Axis Imageing News

Diku Mandavia, MD, FACEP, FRCPC, Chief Medical Officer at FUJIFILM Sonosite

With healthcare costs continuing to increase and more insurance companies talking to their hospital providers about signing new value-based payment contracts, a new emphasis on total cost of ownership in the evaluation of medical equipment for purchase is occurring. In this article published in AXIS Imageing News by Dr. Diku Mandavia, Chief Medical Officer, FUJIFILM Sonosite, hospitals can learn how to monetize the ongoing training and education, downtime contingency options, and replacement costs when evaluating the total cost of purchasing a piece of ultrasound equipment. Dr. Mandavia also shares how medical imageing equipment companies and hospitals can work together to develop implementation strategies for medical devices, in this case ultrasound systems, to bring down the costs of care while supporting better patient outcomes. Please read this article entitled, “POCUS’ Contribution to Value-Based Medicine,” to learn more.