Becker's Hospital CFO Report
Rich Fabian, Chief Operation Officer, FUJIFILM Sonosite

Most of us think of warranties as a way to save money because they reduce the possibility of spending money in the future. This article from FUJIFILM Sonosite’s Chief Operating Officer, Rich Fabian, outlines that not all warranties are created equal and this could have implications for the total cost of owning an ultrasound system over its lifetime. The article shares how the fine print of a warranty document can matter, particularly as it relates to what items are expected from the warranty. In the case of ultrasound systems, one area where the warranty can make a major difference in total cost of ownership is related to the replacement of the ultrasound machine’s probes. Reading the fine print in medical manufacturers’ warranties—and understanding how that fine print relates to those vendors’ confidence in their products—can reduce these hidden costs and the obvious headaches of owning poor quality equipment. Learn more by reading this article by Rich Fabian.