Sportsmen and women on the Channel Island of Jersey are benefitting from the introduction of point-of-care ultrasound. Dr Adam Garnett, a sports and exercise medicine consultant at the Jersey Sports Medicine Clinic, explained: “My interest in sports and exercise medicine started 20 years ago when, as a GP in Bath, I got involved with the rugby club. I now look after a lot of Jersey’s sports teams, splitting my time between professional rugby players with cases of acute trauma – mainly due to impact injuries – and athletes and runners, where overuse injuries are common.”


“Two years ago, I bought a FUJIFILM Sonosite Edge®, which is invaluable for diagnosis, as well as monitoring progress and healing, allowing me to establish the true extent of injuries and tailor my advice accordingly. I can also provide reassurance where injuries are not as bad as first thought. This is good for the medical and physiotherapy teams, as well as the players and coaches, as there is often a lot of pressure on returning to sport. The system’s robustness and portability make it ideal for use in the sporting arena, and it has become part and parcel of injury management, giving me immediate, on-site access to good quality ultrasound imaging. It has revolutionised my practice.”