Did you know that nearly half of all opioid overdoses involve a prescription?
Physicians are beginning to tackle the problem at ground zero: in the ED, where many patients receive their first prescription opioids.
From treating acute traumatic pain to identifying new ways to alleviate patient suffering, emergency medicine physicians are identifying new ways to alleviate patient suffering without prescribing potentially addictive narcotics. Innovative methods like ultrasound-guided nerve blocks can take patient pain from 10 to 0 in a matter of minutes.
Join FUJIFILM Sonosite (booth# 2307) in Washington D.C. at ACEP 2017, and hear guest speaker, Dr. Alexis LaPietra, Medical Director of Emergency Medicine Pain Management at St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Centre in New Jersey speak on how ER doctors are using point-of-care ultrasound to help manage pain (October 29 and 30 at 10:45am, booth #2307).
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Meet the Professor Session: Join us at the Sonosite booth #405 for a live interactive TEE case reviews with point-of-care ultrasound expert, Dr. Robert Arntfield, Associate Professor of Medicine, Critical Care and Emergency Medicine; Western University, London, Ontario, who will review cases from 9:30am-11am, October 31, using TEE in emergency medicine.