Watch the Video!   Behind the Scenes of the Film Take a look behind the scenes of this new video... Recently the Code Black film crew was back at LA County Hospital to create a promotion for the film, entitled "Reconnection". The clip features a dance sequence performed by Juilliard dancers, and tells the story of a doctor struggling with the reality of healthcare today. The Los Angeles County Hospital and the University of Southern California Medical School were first affiliated in 1885, five years after USC was founded. It was originally established as a 100 bed hospital with 47 patients. The old hospital was vacated due to the 1994 Northridge Earthquakes. In 2008 a new hospital was designed and opened up a state-0f-the-art $1 billion new facility. This was shot at the amazing and historic LA County Old Hospital.  Enjoy the photos below and share with your friends.

Kitchen Scene

The LA County old hospital kitchen provided a great backdrop for the new Code Black Movie promotional video.  The space still had a lot of furnishings and equipment with a fine layer of dust covering the space.

Bed & Fog Scene

Great use of lighting and fog to create this action scene.

Dance Scene

The producers of Code Black Movie blew our mind with this creative dance scene to bring emotion and depth to the production.

Outside Scene

A look outside at LA County Old Hospital.

Surgery Observation Scene

An amazing venue to create a video.

Watch the Code Black Movie Trailer