Welcome to the Code Black Movie Page!

We are all so thrilled to announce that new dates for CODE BLACK have been added across the country! Check out the schedule below to see when CODE BLACK will reach your town. Keep an eye on our screenings page for new bookings - there will be more! Don’t see your city below? Interested in setting up your own screening? Visit the screenings page, and scroll down to GET INVOLVED.
For group discount tickets in any of the above cities, please get in touch with Sara Kiener at Film Presence: sara@filmpresence.
Please help spread the word by sharing our trailer on Facebook and Twitter or getting the word out the old fashioned way by distributing free postcards and posters. To become an ambassador of the film in your city, contact Madeleine Ranges at Long Shot Factory: madeleine@
We thank you for your on-going support! CODE BLACK is gearing up for its bi-coastal premiere at the end of this month. Follow CODE BLACK on Facebook for the latest updates!
If you’d like to host a community screening of CODE BLACK for your company, school, library, or group, please fill out this form and we will get back to you within 48 hours.
- Theatres -
For a complete and current list of locations and dates for Code Black Movie visit http://codeblackmovie.com/screenings/