Dr. Liz Turner, Director of Bedside Ultrasound for the Dept. of Medicine at UCLA, puts bedside ultrasound under the microscope.
Dr. Turner’s interview with Glimpse reveals the details and results of her research for UCLA’s Department of Medicine, asking questions about the utility of ultrasound training programs and bedside ultrasound for the patient and doctor. Dr. Turner’s research examines the effectiveness of the training program implemented for ultrasound and the confidence levels of the ultrasound users. in order to implement the use of bedside ultrasound at UCLA Medical Center. Dr. Turner introduces us to her research project both in its methods and its results. The upcoming video will clue you into the results! The next phase of the interview discusses Dr. Turner’s future research studies, which look at patient outcomes from the use of ultrasound in shock in the ICU. Curious about this study? Watch the upcoming video!