PURE – Point-of-care Ultrasound in Resource-limited Environments:

PURE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization comprised of medical professionals and others dedicated to enhancing ultrasound education and use in the developing world.
As one of our global initiatives, Sonosite is proud to support PURE with M-Turbo equipment. Its portability and resilience make it a perfect solution when travelling to resource-limited environments.
With such remote locations as Rwanda, Kenya, and Uganda, PURE has been able to provide ultrasound training for more than 150 clinicians over the last several years and now has local trainer capacity.
Mbarara, Uganda had a lack of access to obstetric ultrasound services for pregnant patients. With over 30 babies delivered daily, the obstetrics department was immediately identified as their first ultrasound priority for educational efforts.

Here is their latest update from Uganda: It has been a very busy month in Mbarara, Uganda! We have just wrapped up round 1 of point-of-care ultrasound training at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. With the tag-team efforts of Drs. Lisa, Adeline, Trish, Derek, Julius and Katie, 40+ Ugandan clinicians were provided with a hands-on introduction to POC ultrasound. Our trainees included clinicians across specialties, including Surgery, Medicine, Pediatrics and Obstetrics.
M-Turbo machines donated by Sonosite are now on-site and available to clinicians. Logistics of training such a large crew has been exciting and challenging. The enthusiasm of our new Ugandan friends and trainees is fabulous and we look forward to ongoing collaboration in the upcoming months.
For more information on ultrasound training in remote locations, go to: http://www.pureultrasound.org/