Sonosite was recently graced with visiting doctors from around the country, one of which was Dr Byron Patterson who is a partner in Primary Care Sports Medicine in Tarzana California. He made a wonderful presentation to more than 160 employees about ultrasound applications in sports medicine.
What a surprise it was to see him on a reality show that one of his patients was participating in. The patient had knee pain and it is amazing to see how musculoskeletal ultrasound was used not only to diagnose the problem, but also to help relieve his pain and increase his mobility.
Dr Patterson was able to quickly ultrasound the knee for any immediate concerns and injected his knee with absolute confidence and accuracy thanks to his ultrasound. In the video, note the patient said he didn’t feel any pain during the injection.
Ultrasound has not only been shown to increase accuracy, but has the potential to decrease the number of attempts needed to access joints successfully.
Click here to watch this short excerpt from the show: https://dailybuzz.mediamaxonline.com/dailybuzz/play/broadcast/K6ThWfFeSEqnmVzu0QtoPw.mp4