Dr. Peter Steinmetz, co-chair of WCUME 2017 and Director of Undergraduate Bedside Ultrasound Teaching at McGill University answers questions around the use of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) and ensuring its proper use worldwide.

You can listen to the audio interview with Dr. Steinmetz here.

Read our first blog featuring Dr. Steinmetz here.

What needs to happen nationally and internationally to improve the consistency of user skills and spread use of POCUS across medical disciplines?

"It all starts with undergraduate medical education (UGME) as the foundation. There needs to be consensus on what the key POCUS competencies for medical students are. There is an international group working on that (the Society for Ultrasound in Medical Education, or SUSME). There is also a Canadian group working on this. Sub-specialties will develop their own specific competencies beyond UGME. This has already been done in the specialties that were early adopters of point-of-care ultrasound, like Emergency Medicine."

How does the World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education 2017 (WCUME17) help us move toward increasing skills and spreading the use of POCUS?

"WCUME has arranged for world renowned international speakers and researchers to share their views on competencies for Medical Education, and cutting-edge research on the relevance of POCUS use in practice. There will be abstract sharing and networking, and we will learn from international leaders in POCUS through plenary sessions and hands-on, practical workshops. WCUME17 is also hosting the Ultrasound World Cup, in which participants can compete against other POCUS students. The international consensus group on ultrasound in UGME will also be convening at WCUME17, in order to keep developing the clinical competency criteria for POCUS in undergraduate medical education."


Are You Attending WCUME17? 

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