Meet Dr. David Williams from Code Black Movie Dr. David Williams is an assistant professor of clinical emergency medicine at LA County USC Medical Center. He works within the Division of International and Wilderness Emergency Medicine and has been practicing at LA County USC since 2003. "LA County on its own represents one of our nation's big county hospitals... taking care of the poorest of the poor patients in our country, and the majority of them being the working poor." Dr. David Williams smiles as he compares LA County Hospital to a dirty piece of gum stuck to his shoe: "tough to get it off!" His passion for the hospital and his work there is evident. Yet he says the place is also a difficult situation.
It's a tough job to go in there every day, day in and day out, seeing dozens of patients. It can kind of grind on you. And every time I see the film, it sort of re-energizes me, to see all of us really working hard, working together.
The film itself, he says, is done very well thanks to Dr. McGarry's expertise and talent. "It's very delicate how you end up telling stories that go on in hospital settings like ours. I think that the message that Dr. McGarry and the department put across in this film is rather exemplary. It's a special place, LA County." This highly personal interview expands on his passion for the county hospital as he explains the importance of the documentary video for county hospitals across the country.
"We're the only place that's open to anyone anytime... There's an incredible bond that happens as a result"

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