If you had to choose between inserting a PICC line (40-45 minutes) and inserting a PIV with ultrasound guidance (5-10 minutes), which would you choose to perform? What if your patient weighed less than 5 lbs? Or more than 500?

When you’re working with some of the smallest, most vulnerable patients, every single needle stick matters more than ever. Whether injecting critical medicine or drawing blood, St. Joseph’s Healthcare System in Paterson, New Jersey, strives to minimize patient pain during needle insertion.

“Before we had the Sonosite ultrasound technology, we had a lot of patients with multiple sticks, bruises…” says Judy Padula, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer.

“As minor as that may sound to some people, getting the IV in can be the make or break to their treatment.”

But when St. Joseph’s first introduced their ultrasound-guided vascular access program, they weren’t prepared for the difference the technology would make, not only to patients and their families, but also to doctors, nurses, and health system leaders.

“We’ve essentially changed the entire landscape of IV-insertion.”

Learn About Saving Costs with Sonosite's Vascular Access Program 

Since the advent of the Vascular Access program in February 2014 and December 2016, St. Joseph’s has seen a remarkable and unexpected level of cost-savings; nearly $3.5 million in total. Learn how St. Josephs’ provided a better patient experience and established cost-savings with the adoption of Sonosite’s Vascular Access program: