Global Health: Improving Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Matagalpa Region of Nicaragua

Breast cancer has become the leading cause of mortality for women in Nicaragua, overtaking the incidence of death due to childbirth or cervical cancer. In Nicaragua, survival after breast cancer diagnosis is poor, mostly due to the late stage at presentation.  A key to improving survival is to promote early detection of breast cancer.

Global Health: Hospital Baptiste Biblique Togo, West Africa

“Attached is a thank you letter from all of us here at HBB/Togo—medical/surgical missionaries, Togolese staff, and the patients who have derived benefit from the use of the Sonosite M-Turbo ultrasound machine.  Read and enjoy the pictures.”


Global Health: Teaching Ultrasound in El Salvador

It is sometimes easy to forget how privileged we are to have access to modern conveniences, healthcare technologies and services. Fortunately, at Sonosite, we enjoy supporting many adventurous care providers who share their skills in resource limited countries. One such Doctor is Dr Jennifer Chao. Upon her return from El Salvador we received this informative email:

Global Health: Dr. Wes Wallace - La Moskitia, Honduras

La Mosquitia has the largest wilderness area in Central America, consisting of mangrove swamps, lagoons, rivers, savannas and tropical rain forests.  Manatees, tapirs and jaguars all still thrive here – they have learnt to be circumspect around man, and they may not be easy to spot. Crocodiles can be seen in the waters.