According to a systematic review recently published in Annals of Family Medicine, point-of-care ultrasound can not only reduce costs, but can also be adopted by physicians relatively quickly, especially with the most basic exams.

“Point-of-care ultrasound empowers the primary care physician by providing more diagnostic information or increasing precision in clinical procedures,” said Camilla Aakjær Andersen, MD, of Aalborg University Fyrkildevej in Denmark, to Healio Primary Care Today.

“Our review showed that competence in some simple examinations can be achieved after only a few hours of training,” said Camilla Aakjær Andersen, MD, of Aalborg University Fyrkildevej in Denmark, to Healio Primary Care Today. “Our review also showed that ultrasound examinations in primary care were not time-consuming — most examinations were performed in less than 10 minutes. Furthermore, ultrasound examinations seemed to be in line with patient preferences.”

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