Discussion on helpful scanning techniques and anatomy landmarks used to perform an ultrasound guided cannulation. Topics: patient and transducer position, identification of structures near the vein, vein depth, & insertion technique.".
Left ventricular short-axis image of the left sternum
S Series: Gallbladder Polyp Anterior Wall.
S Series: Brachial Plexus Interscalene Level - 1.
S Series: Median Nerve Injection.
S Series: Brachial Plexus Infraclavicular .
S-System: Musculocutaneous Nerve.
M-Turbo: Apical 4 Chamber.
Learn how to measure the common bile duct with ultrasound
This view is used assess left ventricular function, determine LV ejection fraction (LVEF), look for the presence of a pericardial effusion, assess the valves (aortic and mitral), look for wall motion abnormalities, and dilation of the aortic root.
Four Chamber Heart with Colour Velocity Doppler