Creating Continuity of Care with Ultrasound

Life Line Screening is known throughout the nation as the leading provider of community-based preventive health screening services. The company brings affordable screenings to the public through partnerships with leading hospitals, civic organizations, and other groups committed to quality health care – like Sonosite. Sharing a vision to make disease identification and prevention accessible to all, Sonosite and Life Line Screening collaborate to promote widespread participation in early screenings.

Hospitals and vascular centers partner with Life Line Screening to ensure a continuity of care in their service area. Because some screenings reach beyond the scope of routine medical exams, this leaves patients vulnerable to conditions that don't announce their presence until they've reached catastrophic levels. Fortunately, Life Line Screening steps in to bridge this gap, making these additional screenings cost-effective and easily available to the public. As a result, Life Line Screening has helped millions discover their healthcare risks before symptoms develop.

Quinton Goodwin's Story

With the aid of Sonosite ultrasound systems, one notorious “silent killer" Life Line Screening tests for is abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Thanks to Life Line Screening, Quinton Goodwin knows all about the dangers of AAA and the importance of choosing prevention.