The Role of Ultrasound in Pain Management

The Role of Ultrasound in Pain Management
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has a significant role to play in pain management for patients around the world. Dr. Victor Mayoral Rojals, Consultant Anaesthetist and head of the pain unit at the Bellvitge University Hospital, in Barcelona, Spain, discusses the many advantages of ultrasound in his day-to-day practise.  …

One Woman’s Mission to End Preventable Infant and Maternal Deaths in Somaliland

Nurse educator Edna Adan

From the Front Line in the UK: A Talk with Dr. Justin Kirk-Bayley

For Sonosite’s ongoing series of interviews of physicians working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chief Medical Officer Diku Mandavia, M.D. interviewed Dr. Justin Kirk-Bayley in Guilford, England about his experiences fighting the coronavirus. You can watch the interview on our COVID-19 Ultrasound Resources site. …

The Role of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in COVID-19

ICU Management & Practise Diku Mandavia, MD, FACEP, FRCPC, Chief Medical Officer at FUJIFILM Sonosite Hospitals all over the world are working to rapidly expand their capacity to treat critically ill patients with COVID-19. To find out how hospitals on the frontlines of the pandemic are coping and the lessons learned that could help other hospitals prepare, FUJIFILM Sonosite’s Chief Medical Officer, Diku Mandavia, interviews Enrico Storti, the ICU Director/Unit Coordinator of the Emergency Department at Maggiore Hospital in Lodi, Italy. …

From the Front Line in New York: A Talk with Dr. Mangala Narasimhan

Mangala Narasimhan, D.O. is a pulmonary and critical care specialist from Long Island Jewish Medical Centre, in Long Island, New York. Dr. Narasimhan spoke with FUJIFILM Sonosite Chief Medical Officer Diku Mandavia, M.D. about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted her hospital in the heart of New York's outbreak. You can watch the interview on our COVID-19 resource page.  …

Discussing the Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Evaluating COVID-19 Patients

DOTMed HealthCare Business News Diku Mandavia, MD, FACEP, FRCPC, Chief Medical Officer at FUJIFILM Sonosite Increasingly, hospitals are using point-of-care ultrasound to evaluate patients with COVID-19. To learn more, read the HealthCare Business News interview with Diku Mandavia, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President of FUJIFILM Sonosite, Inc. …

From the Frontlines of Italy: A Follow-Up Talk with Emergency Physician Enrico Storti

Dr. Enrico Storti is the Anaesthesia and ICU Director/Unit Coordinator of the Emergency Department at Maggiore Hospital in Lodi, Italy, near Milan. Lodi was hit very hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and Dr. Storti is on the frontlines treating patients and helping to contain the outbreak. …

Reinventing the ICU for COVID-19

Dr. Enrico Storti of Maggiore Hospital in Lodi, Italy
Enrico Storti is the Anaesthesia and ICU Director/Unit Coordinator of the Emergency Department at Maggiore Hospital in Lodi, Italy. Lodi is located near Milan and the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. Lodi was hit very hard by the pandemic, and Dr. Storti is on the frontlines treating patients and helping to contain the outbreak. …

Ultrasound Plays Vital Role in Training Clinicians in Vietnam

Clinicians in Vietnam in ultrasound training course

Sonosite Joins the Fight Against Coronavirus in China

After the outbreak of COVID-19, commonly called coronavirus, Sonosite team members across China have stepped forward to support local clinicians in the diagnosis of coronavirus and to help control the epidemic’s spread. In the fight against coronavirus, ultrasound is a key tool for healthcare workers who are saving lives in this critical period. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) provides rapid, non-invasive real-time scanning, and it is an ideal device for monitoring cardiopulmonary function in critically-ill patients. …

POCUS Profile: Dr Raj Tobin

Dr. Raj Tobin, Director & Head of the Department of Anaesthesiology at Max Super Specialty Hospital in Saket, New Delhi has 28 years of experience in anaesthesiology. We interviewed Dr. Tobin to learn about the various clinical applications and the benefits of using point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in her routine practise. …

Ultrasound Improves Renal Care at St. Helier Hospital

MSK Pain and Prescribing Opioids

A new study published by the National Institutes of Health’s Journal of Pain reveals that first-time patients suffering from chronic MSK pain are prescribed opioids more often than non-drug treatments. Researchers analysed data from the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey between 2007 and 2015. The data came from 11,994 visits over the 9-year period. …

Sonosite M-Turbo Gets Plenty of Work in Vanuatu: Part Two

Dr. Jonathan Henry en drie artsen met een Sonosite-apparaat in Vanuatu
This post is the second part of Dr. Jonathan “Jono” Henry’s report from the Pacific nation of Vanuatu. Be sure to read the first chapter of his remarkable report. …

Nurse Educator Puts Sonosite iViz Ultrasound to Work in Ethiopia

Pioneering Best Practise in Vascular Access with Point-of-Care Ultrasound

Dr. Alexandros Mallios. Dr. Mallios performing an ultrasound scan.
Alexandros Mallios is a vascular surgeon at the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris (IMM) hospital in Paris. For the last four years, he has pioneered the use of ultrasound-guided percutaneous arteriovenous fistula access in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Dr. Mallios explains why he believes point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) should be the standard of care for vascular access in all patients. …

The AI Revolution is Coming in Emergency Care

U.S. News & World Report Diku Mandavia, MD, FACEP, FRCPC, Chief Medical Officer at FUJIFILM Sonosite Despite expansion in health insurance coverage, emergency rooms are seeing a larger and ageing population, sicker patients who arrive in immediate danger with more chronic conditions, physician shortages as care is expanded, a need for more expensive technical tools, and an unsustainable trend in costs and expenditures. Partial rescue from these challenges may be coming from the most unlikely of sources: artificial intelligence. These aren't robots, but smart apps and tools that can reduce cognitive emergency room burdens, while increasing diagnostic speed, precision and accuracy. Read Dr. Mandavia’s U.S. News & World Report article that discusses the arrival of artificial intelligence and how it is poised to have a transformative impact on emergency department teams and the broader world of medical diagnostics. …

Centre for Medicare & Medicaid Implement New Rules for Shoulder Pain Diagnosis

Beginning on January 1, 2020, the Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) launched a new appropriate use criteria (AUC) programme for advanced diagnostic imageing services provided to Medicare beneficiaries. The purpose of the new programme, enacted as part of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) signed into law in 2014, is to address the overutilisation of MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, and PET scans. …

Australian Hospital Uses X-Porte to Identify Bone Fractures

Girl being scanned for a fracture by a ultrasound machine

Sonographer Brings POCUS Education to Guyana

RAD-AID International works to optimize access to medical imaging, radiology services, and nursing care and education in over 30 countries around the world. In a recent medical mission to Guyana, diagnostic registered sonographer Radha Persaud, RDMS, RDCS, RT joined a team that included a certified radiology nurse, two nurse practitioners, a radiologist, a radiology administrator, and a fourth-year medical student. …