POCUS Goes Airborne for Helicopter Rescue

Emergency doctor Dr. Didier Moens is in charge of rescue missions in the Centre Médical Héliporté (CMH) of Bra sur Lienne, near Liège in Belgium. He believes access to point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) on emergency helicopters is now essential for improving the care of critically ill patients:

A Time to Reflect: Sonosite PX Celebrates a Year to Remember

Emergency Vascular Access with L19-5

Anniversaries are times to celebrate, but also times to reflect. At FUJIFILM Sonosite, we’re thrilled to recognise the one-year anniversary of the launch of Sonosite PX, our next generation point-of-care ultrasound system (POCUS) with the most advanced image clarity ever seen in a Sonosite system.

One for All - Standardizing Medical Equipment

The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust serves approximately 700,000 residents of Cambridgeshire, South Lincolnshire, and the neighboring counties. This recently created trust, formed in April 2017, includes three hospitals—Hinchingbrooke, Peterborough City and Stamford, and Rutland—plus community clinics in Ely and Doddington.

POCUS Profile: Dr. Nathaniel Meuser-Herr

Pneumonia is a major cause of childhood mortality and morbidity globally – particularly in resource-poor environments – and diagnosis of pneumonia can be complex. The current gold standard diagnostic technique is a chest X-ray, looking for the presence or absence of areas of consolidation on the lungs. However X-ray facilities are not always available in remote locations.

Consider All Ultrasound Machine Costs of Ownership


When making a high investment in medical equipment it is important not only to compare the price and quality of each product, in these cases it begins to be necessary to analyse the total cost of ownership (TCO) during the useful life of the equipment, since it could happen that the indirect costs exceed the sale price, plus all the additional problems that can even lead to damage to the reputation of the hospital.

POCUS Profile: Dr. Kapil Gupta


Dr. Kapil Gupta is a professor at the Anesthesia and Critical Care Department, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital (VMMC & SJH), which is a 3500-bed multispecialty tertiary care government hospital in New Delhi, India. Dr. Gupta has over 18 years of professional experience in Anaesthesiology, Pain, and Perioperative Medicine as well as Intensive Care Unit and Trauma Center care experience.