3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric nerve blocks.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided infraclavicular nerve block.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided interscalene nerve block.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided lumbar puncture procedure.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided median and ulnar nerve block.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided Paracentesis Procedure.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided Pericardiocentesis Procedure.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided Peripheral Inserted Venous Catheter (upper extremity).

3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided Popliteal nerve block.

3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided radial artery catheterization transverse approach.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided thoracentesis exam.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided insertion of a Femoral Artery Catheter.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided injection of the AC Joint.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of acromial impingement of the shoulder.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of the acromio-clavicular joint.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided aspiration of a Baker's Cyst.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of the biceps tendon.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of the elbow: anterior recess.
3D animation demonstrating an Ultrasound Exam of the Distal Biceps.
3D How To: Ultrasound Guided Injection of the Medial Knee - Sonosite Ultrasound
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of a medial aspect of the elbow.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of a Olecranon (Distal Triceps).
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of a Ulnar Nerve of the elbow.
3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound exam of the Posterior Gleno-Humeral joint.
S Series: Gallbladder Longitudinal View Post Prandial.
S Series: Gallbladder Neck Longitudinal View.
S Series: Gallbladder Transverse Post Prandial.
M-Turbo: Gallbladder Transverse View
S Series: Midline Longitudinal Stomach
S Series: Pancreas Transverse View
S Series: Prox Trv Aorta/Arteries.
M-Turbo: Abdomen Transverse View Pancreas Aorta IVC.
M-Turbo: Distal Aorta Longitudinal View.
S Series: Proximal Aorta Celiac SMA Arteries.
S Series: Proximal Aorta Sagital View
S-System: Proximal Aorta Sagital View 2.
S Series: Proximal Aorta Sagitial View/Diaphraghm

Dr. David Auyong reviews scanning techniques and sonographic landmarks for an ultrasound guided nerve block .

Dr. David Auyong reviews scanning techniques and sonographic landmarks for an ultrasound guided nerve block .

Design overview and insights from the engineering team at Sonosite.
Use ultrasound imaging to help identify deep and nonpalpable veins that can accommodate the placement of an IV catheter. Doppler color flow is used to differentiate the brachial artery from other anatomical structures.
Use ultrasound imaging to identify anatomy prior to intravenous catheter needle punctures, verify needle depth, and use dynamic techniques for attaining optimal needle guidance during deep vein cannulation & IV placement.
This video (part 1 of 2) details how the use of bedside ultrasound for placing central venous catheters can reduce the number of puncture attempts, increase patient safety, and increase procedural efficiency.
This video (part 2 of 2) details how to use bedside ultrasound imaging to map the anatomy and orientation of the internal jugular vein, as well as determine puncture point, needle depth, and needle trajectory during central venous cannulation.
Dr. Scott Pollock demonstrates how to perform a foot exam.
Dr. Scott Pollock demonstrates how to perform an ultrasound guided foot injection.
Dr. Scott Pollock demonstrates how to perform a hand exam.
Dr. Scott Pollock demonstrates how to perform an ultrasound guided hand injection.
Dr. Scott Pollock demonstrates how to perform a hip exam.
Dr. Steven Sampson demonstrates how to perform a Quadriceps Tendon exam.