12 months, Zero Iatrogenic Pneumothoraces
In this video we highlight Memorial Hermann Southeast Hospital for achieving 12 consecutive months of iatrogenic pneumothorax prevention by using Sonosite Point-of-Care ultrasound to guide central line placement.
Advanced Needle Visualization for Primary Care
Case: Central Line Bundle: Improving Patient Safety
Case: Ultrasound Guidance for Thoracentesis
Case: Detection of Pleural Fluid
Case: Central Venous Access - Part 2
Case: Central Venous Access - Part 1
How To Perform An Interscalene Nerve Block
The Sonosite SII ultrasound machine provides clear visualization of needle and nerve during block placements, allowing precise placement of local anesthetic with minimal patient discomfort. Interscalene nerve blocks with Sonosite II permit the placement of local anesthetic around the roots or trunks of the brachial plexus at the level of the C6 vertebral body between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. Anesthesiologist Dr. David Auyong MD of Seattle, Washington here reviews scanning techniques and sonographic landmarks for this procedure which is typically performed to provide anesthesia or analgesia for surgery of the shoulder and upper arm.
How to: Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Nerve Block
Dr. David Auyong reviews scanning techniques and sonographic landmarks for an ultrasound guided nerve block .