
American Association of Orthopedic Executives Newsletter
Chuck Thigpen PhD, PT, ATC- Clinical Research Scientist, Proaxis Therapy
AAOE (American Association of Orthopedic Executives) Newsletter

The authors walk through the rationale, steps taken and results from a re-engineered clinical shoulder injury pathway program focused on rotator cuff tears.  By using the appropriately skilled provider at the right time and through first line use of ultrasound instead of MRI, the program lead to the clinic being able to serve more patients by improving physician efficiency.   The result was exceptional economic and clinical value: the program ultimately provided a 40% decrease in MRIs and a 10% decrease in surgeries. Current reimbursement rates suggest a 75% savings for each patient that receives an ultrasound compared to MRI, and a 90% cost savings for every patient that responds to the physical therapy course of treatment and avoids surgery.  

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