Clinical evidence and research supports using ultrasound as the first diagnostic test for numerous musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. Diagnostic ultrasound offers a number of important advantages compared to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in terms of safety and effectiveness.

Diagnostic ultrasound is noninvasive and offers real-time imaging, allowing for examinations of structures at rest and in motion. This ability to capture the movement of musculoskeletal components differentiates it from other imaging modalities and can permit more accurate diagnoses.  Other advantages for your patient include its portability, which allows for point-of-care application and interpretation.

Yet, for a variety of reasons, healthcare providers have gravitated toward more expensive imaging modalities over time.  Use of such imaging modalities as CT and MRI instead of lower-cost alternatives, such as ultrasound, may not ensure better outcomes and it also increases the cost to the healthcare system and the cost to your patient. 

For more information see the full evidence article here.