What's so "Advanced" about Sonosite's Needle Visualization?

You may have noticed that our ultrasound systems include a unique on/off option for needle visualization. The reason for this relatively insignificant-looking keypad feature leads directly into a very significant Sonosite technology . . . and an explanation for why our needle visualization software is more advanced than many competitors’.

Let’s start with the necessity for a needle-visualization on/off switch. The optimal sound waves needed for visualizing tissue are different from the optimal sound waves needed for visualizing a needle. Consequently—for Sonosite’s advanced needle visualization—we designed our units to send different pulses for the tissue than for the needle. This patent-pending technology greatly improves needle visualization compared to targeting the needle with a conventional imaging beam.

When the user doesn’t want to visualize a needle, the optimal thing to do is send only the sound waves intended for the tissue (etc.), not those for the needle. Therefore, we allow the user to turn off that option.

The benefits of Sonosite’s advanced needle visualization may best be summarized in this concise, albeit rather formal, definition:


Sonosite products include advanced needle visualization—a proprietary imaging algorithm that improves needle reflectance and contributes to needle visibility during a steep angle nerve block approach for deep targets.

Perhaps the next time you use the ANV on/off option, your understanding of its breakthrough technology will contribute to an even deeper appreciation of your viewing experience!