A Letter from Dr. Samuel Abelson

Children in Haiti are Carrying Yellow Water Jugs and Smiling at Camera

The following is a letter from Dr. Samuel Abelson, an emergency medicine physician who lives in Minneapolis.

Four years ago, Project Medishare began teaching point-of-care ultrasound to the staff at Hospital Bernard Mevs in Port Au Prince. Through the Sonosite Global Health program, we have borrowed multiple loaner machines to use in teaching.

POCUS Profile: Dr. José Luis Vázquez Martínez

Dr. Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Doctors working in the eight-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital in Madrid use point-of-care ultrasound extensively to evaluate the condition of critically ill children, and find it essential to their work. Dr. José Luis Vázquez Martínez, Head of Post-Surgical Critical Care at Hospital Ramón y Cajal has over 25 years’ experience in pediatric intensive care medicine.

POCUS Profile: Dr. Sameer Bhandari

POCUS Profile: Dr. Sameer Bhandari

Dr. Sameer Bhandari, a Consultant in Anesthesia and Intensive Care at Pinderfields General Hospital in Wakefield, England, plays an integral role in the company’s Complete Ultrasound-guided Regional Anesthesia Education (CURE) course. Here, he describes how he teaches ultrasound-guided regional blocks to physicians in the UK.

POCUS Profile: Dr. Nathaniel Meuser-Herr

Pneumonia is a major cause of childhood mortality and morbidity globally – particularly in resource-poor environments – and diagnosis of pneumonia can be complex. The current gold standard diagnostic technique is a chest X-ray, looking for the presence or absence of areas of consolidation on the lungs. However X-ray facilities are not always available in remote locations.

When IV Insertion Seems Impossible

20 to 1: New hospital program reduces number of failed IV insertion attempts

Any medical professional with hospital experience knows how crucial peripheral IV access can be. Getting fluids and medications into a critically ill or injured patient can make or break the effectiveness of their treatment.

Floating Doctors: Remembering a Fetal Ultrasound from Years Ago

Sonosite Floating Doctors trip

by Dr. Ben LaBrot, founder of Floating Doctors

As of this writing, my wife is pregnant with our first child, and the novelty has long since worn off.  After looking after so many other people’s pregnancies, it’s a novel experience to be on the other end of the ultrasound probe, as it were. 

Point-of-Care Ultrasound helps save time and lives

Time is of the essence in an emergency situation, and may be the difference between life and death. Ambulance crews on the front line must decide rapidly whether or not a patient is suffering from a lifethreatening condition requiring specialist treatment, and point-of-care ultrasound can provide vital guidance.

Sonosite iViz on the Race Across America

Sonosite blog: Race Across America

The Race Across America is billed as the world’s toughest bicycle race; a non-stop, coast-to-coast, transcontinental trek from Oceanside, California to Annapolis, Maryland. Racers cycle for over 3,000 miles across 12 states of frequently arid terrain, and climb 170,000 feet through three mountain ranges, with the fastest teams finishing in just over five days, and solo racers in under eight. 

Spanish NGO Cirugía Solidaria Uses M-Turbo in Kenyan Health Mission


During the Summer of 2017, a group of healthcare professionals – the majority from the Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca (HCUVA) in Murcia, Spain – travelled to Kenya in partnership with the Spanish NGO Cirugía Solidaria.

They brought along surgical equipment – from beds to lamps to scalpels – to create a first-rate hospital set-up, most of which was donated by HCUVA. 

Ultrasound Answers Questions in Emergency Care in Spain

Ultrasound crtical to stabilizing patients and saving lives

In the world of emergency medicine, there’s nothing fun about the guessing game. With a seriously ill or injured patient, every second counts and the wrong diagnosis can actually have a significant impact on health. That’s why having all available information is absolutely critical to stabilising patients and saving lives.

That’s also what makes point-of-care ultrasound so critically important in emergency care.