Vevo MD - The World's First Ultra-High Frequency Ultrasound System

The wait is finally over. After years of developing ultrasound systems for research, FUJIFILM VisualSonics is pleased to introduce the Vevo® MD – the world’s first ultra high-frequency ultrasound system for routine clinical use:

Ultra high-frequency means the highest resolution medical ultrasound available today. This ground breaking development opens up new possibilities for medical imaging that have never been seen before. Whether you're imaging tiny infants in the neonatal ward, detecting the tiniest of suspicious lesions, or monitoring the subtle changes in blood flow in the major arteries of the body, the Vevo MD produces unparalleled image resolution. Resolution as fine as 30 µm. Yes, 30 µm. That is less than half the size of a grain of sand.

Imagine the potential of such a ground-breaking technology and its impact on the medical field to see what has never been seen before. When it comes to patient care and uncovering the smallest and most detailed information, the Vevo MD is simply the most revolutionary ultrasound technology to come along in decades. VisualSonics designed this latest system because we care, because we can and simply because Seeing More Matters.

For more information on FUJIFILM VisualSonics, visit