Global Health: Ultrasound Expands Access and Improves Maternal Care

Sonosite mobile ultrasound project

Every day, 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. 99% live in rural areas. Many of them could be prevented with proper maternal care including ultrasound imaging during their pregnancy and delivering in a medical clinic. Of those deaths, 40% are due to injuries or conditions related to placenta complications - and the only way to detect abnormal placenta challenges is through an ultrasound exam.

Clinical Chest Professionals, Here's Our Guide to CHEST2016

Has it really been a year already? We’re back in LA this week for another edition of CHEST, the premier clinical event for chest medicine in the U.S. We love CHEST because the show connects a global community around not just networking and new technology, but brings together new research, instruction and interactive simulations too. If you’re a veteran of CHEST you probably know your way around the show.

User Stories: Taking Ultrasound to Mongolia


Ingrid Yuile, an accredited ultrasound educator and medical sonographer with 7 years of experience scanning in hospitals and private clinics across the country,  took her training skills and Sonosite EDGE to the steppes of Mongolia and found a country of beauty and complexity.  This is her story:

“In June 2015, I set off with 8 intrepid emergency physicians to teach emergency medicine to Mongolian doctors across a range disciplines.