Deep Needle Procedures: Abstract, Interview and Article

Promoting patient safety and increasing health care quality have dominated the health care landscape during the last 15 years. Health care regulators and payers are now tying patient safety outcomes and best practices to hospital reimbursement. Many health care leaders are searching for new technologies that not only make health care for patients safer but also reduce overall health care costs. New advances in ultrasonography have made this technology available to health care providers at the patient's bedside.

Ultrasound: The Swiss-army-knife-of-health-care.

Ultrasound: The Swiss-army-knife-of-health-care. Medical Students sharpen your transducers and come to Stanford ULTRAfest! Stanford is center of diagnostic ultrasound research, education and training. On Oct. 18, the school will host ULTRAfest, a full day of free ultrasound instruction open to any medical...

Studies Indicate CT Scan Overuse, Radiation Overexposure

Recently the medical literature has documented the growing use of CT scans. It is certainly no secret that, when circumstances warrant, Sonosite advocates for the consideration of ultrasound first over other imaging modalities. A CT scan is a powerful and valuable test when used appropriately and—as with all medical procedures—when its therapeutic value is carefully weighed against its potential harm. Yet, while acknowledging CT’s value, I can’t ignore mounting evidence indicating CT scans are being ordered more often than are necessary or safe.