Improving Care while Reducing Costs in Health Care

Would you let your family fly in an airplane at night if the pilot didn’t have radar? I certainly wouldn’t. That pilot would be flying blind. It’s the same for ultrasound. When a physician performs an invasive procure without ultrasound guidance, it’s akin to a flying blind. …

Training Standards for Critical Care Ultrasonography

Ultrasound within critical care is growing rapidly and has a large role for multiple diagnostic applications and for guidance of invasive procedures. A recent international roundtable, composed of 29 experts from five continents, just published recommendations on the need for developing training standards for intensive care medical students. Twelve Critical Care societies from around the world have endorsed the framework. …

Welcome to the CMO Corner

As an emergency physician, I have taken care of thousands of patients who have benefitted from bedside ultrasound and I consider it to be an indispensible tool. Many across the medical profession share the same view. In fact, the value of ultrasound is of such importance that the sheer volume of published information is overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created CMO Corner. It is meant distill relevant information about portable ultrasound so you can access it without spending hours online. …

Sierra Leone

Scott Farmery, MD Consultant Anaesthetist at Makeni Hospital, Sierra Leone …