Ultrasound in MSK

Dr. Byron Patterson,  is a partner in Primary Care Sports Medicine in Tarzana California, recently visted Sonosite headquarters and gave a presentation to Sonosite employees about ultrasound applications in sports medicine.

Glimpse Episode 8: Dr. John Christian Fox and Joel Schlang Discuss Medical Education

Joelle Schlang, Dr Christian Fox

Join Dr. John Christian Fox and Joelle Schlang as they discuss the role of ultrasound in medical education.  Students at UCI receive more than 50 hours of hands-on ultrasound training, starting the first week of their first year at medical school.  This education is continued for two years allowing students to experience the benefits of ultrasound both as a diagnostic tool and a learning tool.

Global Health: Improving Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Matagalpa Region of Nicaragua

Breast cancer has become the leading cause of mortality for women in Nicaragua, overtaking the incidence of death due to childbirth or cervical cancer. In Nicaragua, survival after breast cancer diagnosis is poor, mostly due to the late stage at presentation.  A key to improving survival is to promote early detection of breast cancer.

Global Health: Hospital Baptiste Biblique Togo, West Africa

“Attached is a thank you letter from all of us here at HBB/Togo—medical/surgical missionaries, Togolese staff, and the patients who have derived benefit from the use of the Sonosite M-Turbo ultrasound machine.  Read and enjoy the pictures.”


Glimpse Episode 7: Dr. Alan Chiem

Dr. Alan Chiem

Watch and listen to Dr. Alan Chiem as he discusses the benefits of early ultrasound training for medical students and how he uses ultrasound in the emergency room setting to both diagnose and guide therapies for patients with heart failure.

Glimpse Episode 6: Dr. Tarina Kang

Dr. Tarina Kang

Dr. Tarina Kang is the Director of Emergency Medicine Ultrasound at LAC+USC and a Professor of Emergency Medicine.  In this interview she discusses the types of post graduate training for practical ultrasound guided procedures as well as basic and advanced ultrasound applications.

Glimpse Episode 4: Dr. Francis Yamazaki, Discusses Anesthesia

Dr. Francis Yamazaki

Dr. Francis Yamazaki is a 30 year veteran in Anesthesiology. He is an Anesthesiologist with a cutting edge sports medicine group at Kerlan Jobe Surgery Center, LA. In this interview, he discusses the expectations of patients in the elite world of sports and the progression of anesthesia, particularly in the realm of nerve blocks. In particular how the progress of technology has improved safety for both patients and surgeons.

New Ultrasound Technology Sharpens Needle Visibility

DotMed Business News | November 2010

“Ultrasound is widely used to guide needles as they advance through tissue to their targets. Compared to traditional “blind” approaches based on anatomical landmarks, ultrasound guidance can greatly increase the success and safety of certain needle procedures.”

Sonosite Teams up with the Seattle Seahawks 2014 Super Bowl Champions

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Ultrasound First -- Musculoskeletal Imaging (MSK)

Clinical evidence and research supports using ultrasound as the first diagnostic test for numerous musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. Diagnostic ultrasound offers a number of important advantages compared to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in terms of safety and effectiveness. Diagnostic ultrasound is noninvasive and offers real-time imaging, allowing for examinations of structures at rest and in motion.

mHealthSummit 2014

mHealthSummit 2014, Washington, D.C. The largest event of its kind, the 5th annual mHealth Summit brings together leaders in government, the private sector, industry, academia, providers and not-for-profit organizations from across the mHealth ecosystem to advance collaboration in the use of wireless technology and to improve health outcomes in the United States and abroad. Deep co