Sonosite ultrasound machines are built tough to be used all over the world, from modern hospitals in Mumbai to rural clinics in Western Australia. Sonosite ultrasound machines were originally built for military use, so battle-grade durability was a must. That’s why we drop them, bake them, shake them, and test them under extreme conditions. Here’s just some of what our machines can handle.
Sonosite ultrasound machines are designed to operate safely after a three-foot fall onto a hard surface.
感染控制是最佳患者护理的关键,因此 Sonosite 超声设备能够经受数小时的清洗。
“众所周知,Sonosite 的系统在任何时候都能正常工作。如果设备在您需要时无法正常工作,那它的作用为零。事情发生在 ICU 中。传感器运行时触发代码。设备坠落在地板上...我们的患者不能容忍在医生需要时无法启动的设备,尤其是在需要进行困难的侵入式程序时。”
- Alexander B. Levitov, MD, FCCM, RDCS,东弗吉尼亚医学院,弗吉尼亚州诺福克
Find the Right Sonosite For You
To talk to a Sonosite rep or demo a Sonosite machine, contact us online or call your local office.