How To: FAST Exam: Female Pelvis

How To: FAST Exam: Female Pelvis

Learn to examine the female pelvis for free fluid.
Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:15.338" end="00:00:17.481" style="s2">- We're gonna do the FAST exam,</p>
<p begin="00:00:17.481" end="00:00:19.857" style="s2">the pelvic view in a female now.</p>
<p begin="00:00:19.857" end="00:00:22.104" style="s2">Again we have the phase array transducer,</p>
<p begin="00:00:22.104" end="00:00:24.440" style="s2">here's our probe marker right here,</p>
<p begin="00:00:24.440" end="00:00:26.319" style="s2">I'm gonna start off with a sagittal view.</p>
<p begin="00:00:26.319" end="00:00:29.870" style="s2">And ideally, the<br />(slurred) bladder is full.</p>
<p begin="00:00:29.870" end="00:00:32.183" style="s2">So you go just above the symphysis pubis,</p>
<p begin="00:00:32.183" end="00:00:34.754" style="s2">so we're scanning down here sagittaly,</p>
<p begin="00:00:34.754" end="00:00:36.570" style="s2">and some of the anatomic landmarks</p>
<p begin="00:00:36.570" end="00:00:37.842" style="s2">that we're looking at,</p>
<p begin="00:00:37.842" end="00:00:39.802" style="s2">at the very top of the<br />screen is the bladder,</p>
<p begin="00:00:39.802" end="00:00:41.482" style="s2">which is an anechoic structure,</p>
<p begin="00:00:41.482" end="00:00:43.363" style="s2">fluid filled, obviously with urine,</p>
<p begin="00:00:43.363" end="00:00:45.292" style="s2">it's got nice walls around it.</p>
<p begin="00:00:45.292" end="00:00:47.500" style="s2">Just below that is the uterus,</p>
<p begin="00:00:47.500" end="00:00:49.548" style="s2">which is a pear-shaped organ.</p>
<p begin="00:00:49.548" end="00:00:50.908" style="s2">You can see it well visualized</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.908" end="00:00:52.772" style="s2">because the bladder is full.</p>
<p begin="00:00:52.772" end="00:00:53.605" style="s2">And just below that</p>
<p begin="00:00:53.605" end="00:00:55.772" style="s2">is a potential space, the Cul de Sac,</p>
<p begin="00:00:55.772" end="00:00:58.125" style="s2">where we can look for, very carefully,</p>
<p begin="00:00:58.125" end="00:01:01.186" style="s2">small amounts of free fluid.</p>
<p begin="00:01:01.186" end="00:01:02.495" style="s2">When we scan this patient,</p>
<p begin="00:01:02.495" end="00:01:04.192" style="s2">in this view, in the sagittal view,</p>
<p begin="00:01:04.192" end="00:01:06.871" style="s2">from the patient's left<br />to the patient's right.</p>
<p begin="00:01:06.871" end="00:01:09.234" style="s2">And we're slowly slowly scanning to see</p>
<p begin="00:01:09.234" end="00:01:11.808" style="s2">if there's any evidence of free fluid.</p>
<p begin="00:01:11.808" end="00:01:13.816" style="s2">Once we finish the sagittal view,</p>
<p begin="00:01:13.816" end="00:01:16.087" style="s2">we want to go ahead and<br />do a transverse view.</p>
<p begin="00:01:16.087" end="00:01:17.141" style="s2">What we're gonna do now</p>
<p begin="00:01:17.141" end="00:01:20.830" style="s2">is point the transducer marker<br />toward the patient's right.</p>
<p begin="00:01:20.830" end="00:01:23.677" style="s2">So we're gonna rotate that transducer,</p>
<p begin="00:01:23.677" end="00:01:24.941" style="s2">toward the patient's right.</p>
<p begin="00:01:24.941" end="00:01:27.734" style="s2">Again, we see the bladder<br />in the center of the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:27.734" end="00:01:30.381" style="s2">We're now gonna scan from inferior,</p>
<p begin="00:01:30.381" end="00:01:34.269" style="s2">just below the symphysis,<br />to more superior,</p>
<p begin="00:01:34.269" end="00:01:38.726" style="s2">and in between we're also<br />gonna identify the uterus.</p>
<p begin="00:01:38.726" end="00:01:41.965" style="s2">So we're going right to the<br />very top of the bladder,</p>
<p begin="00:01:41.965" end="00:01:42.880" style="s2">to about mid-bladder,</p>
<p begin="00:01:42.880" end="00:01:46.769" style="s2">we can see the uterus here in the center.</p>
<p begin="00:01:46.769" end="00:01:49.936" style="s2">A very small amount of free fluid here,</p>
<p begin="00:01:49.936" end="00:01:52.576" style="s2">which can be physiological as well.</p>
<p begin="00:01:52.576" end="00:01:55.993" style="s2">So we're scanning all the way inferiorly,</p>
<p begin="00:01:57.937" end="00:02:00.672" style="s2">to more superiorly, we see the uterus,</p>
<p begin="00:02:00.672" end="00:02:03.792" style="s2">we actually see part of the ovary there,</p>
<p begin="00:02:03.792" end="00:02:07.959" style="s2">and then we're gonna go all<br />the way more superiorly.</p>
Brightcove ID

How to: FAST Exam: LUQ

How to: FAST Exam: LUQ

Learn to scan the splenorenal recess for fluid collections.
Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:15.546" end="00:00:16.890" style="s2">- The next view I'm<br />going to take you through</p>
<p begin="00:00:16.890" end="00:00:19.221" style="s2">is a perisplenic or left<br />upper quadrant view.</p>
<p begin="00:00:19.221" end="00:00:21.219" style="s2">This view tends to be a<br />little bit more difficult</p>
<p begin="00:00:21.219" end="00:00:23.222" style="s2">because the spleen is<br />smaller and doesn't provide</p>
<p begin="00:00:23.222" end="00:00:25.156" style="s2">as large an acoustic window.</p>
<p begin="00:00:25.156" end="00:00:25.989" style="s2">We're going to start.</p>
<p begin="00:00:25.989" end="00:00:27.762" style="s2">Again, the patient's going to be supine.</p>
<p begin="00:00:27.762" end="00:00:29.700" style="s2">This is a probe marker right here.</p>
<p begin="00:00:29.700" end="00:00:31.184" style="s2">We're going to go really posterior.</p>
<p begin="00:00:31.184" end="00:00:32.939" style="s2">My hand is going to touch the gurney.</p>
<p begin="00:00:32.939" end="00:00:34.428" style="s2">You can go about four finger breadths</p>
<p begin="00:00:34.428" end="00:00:37.158" style="s2">just above the costal margin.</p>
<p begin="00:00:37.158" end="00:00:38.895" style="s2">You can identify the kidney.</p>
<p begin="00:00:38.895" end="00:00:41.275" style="s2">That's going to be a<br />pretty identifiable organ,</p>
<p begin="00:00:41.275" end="00:00:42.830" style="s2">characteristic bean shape.</p>
<p begin="00:00:42.830" end="00:00:44.445" style="s2">Then we can see it here on the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:00:44.445" end="00:00:47.184" style="s2">Just above it, we're<br />going to see the spleen.</p>
<p begin="00:00:47.184" end="00:00:50.328" style="s2">To the far left of the screen as well</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.328" end="00:00:51.609" style="s2">we see the diaphragm.</p>
<p begin="00:00:51.609" end="00:00:53.113" style="s2">Once you're in this location,</p>
<p begin="00:00:53.113" end="00:00:55.301" style="s2">you want to carefully pan through</p>
<p begin="00:00:55.301" end="00:00:56.973" style="s2">the inferior part of the spleen,</p>
<p begin="00:00:56.973" end="00:00:58.803" style="s2">and then jump over that rib,</p>
<p begin="00:00:58.803" end="00:01:01.066" style="s2">and see the superior part of the spleen,</p>
<p begin="00:01:01.066" end="00:01:04.617" style="s2">because fluid often collects<br />just above the spleen</p>
<p begin="00:01:04.617" end="00:01:06.199" style="s2">and below the diaphragm.</p>
<p begin="00:01:06.199" end="00:01:09.079" style="s2">Once you identify a good view<br />in the left upper quadrant,</p>
<p begin="00:01:09.079" end="00:01:10.808" style="s2">you'll want to do a<br />sweep through that area</p>
<p begin="00:01:10.808" end="00:01:12.416" style="s2">looking for free fluid.</p>
<p begin="00:01:12.416" end="00:01:14.762" style="s2">Again, you see the kidney,<br />you see the spleen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:14.762" end="00:01:16.427" style="s2">Find the interface between.</p>
<p begin="00:01:16.427" end="00:01:18.594" style="s2">Look for fluid between those two organs.</p>
<p begin="00:01:18.594" end="00:01:21.864" style="s2">Then particularly scan above that spleen,</p>
<p begin="00:01:21.864" end="00:01:24.144" style="s2">scanning all the way through the organ,</p>
<p begin="00:01:24.144" end="00:01:26.408" style="s2">looking for free fluid above the spleen</p>
<p begin="00:01:26.408" end="00:01:27.960" style="s2">and below the diaphragm.</p>
<p begin="00:01:27.960" end="00:01:30.249" style="s2">Again, when you're<br />scanning through this area,</p>
<p begin="00:01:30.249" end="00:01:32.431" style="s2">you want to carefully<br />look above the diaphragm</p>
<p begin="00:01:32.431" end="00:01:35.170" style="s2">for evidence of hemothorax.</p>
<p begin="00:01:35.170" end="00:01:36.260" style="s2">When you're scanning in this view,</p>
<p begin="00:01:36.260" end="00:01:38.846" style="s2">also make sure you scan the full kidney.</p>
<p begin="00:01:38.846" end="00:01:43.581" style="s2">Here we see the superior pole<br />to the left of the screen,</p>
<p begin="00:01:43.581" end="00:01:45.337" style="s2">and the inferior pole.</p>
<p begin="00:01:45.337" end="00:01:47.178" style="s2">You want to make sure<br />you get that full kidney</p>
<p begin="00:01:47.178" end="00:01:51.261" style="s2">in view when you examine<br />the left upper quadrant.</p>
Brightcove ID

How to: FAST Exam: RUQ

How to: FAST Exam: RUQ

Learn to examine Morison's pouch in the right upper quadrant for fluid collections.
Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:15.825" end="00:00:18.169" style="s2">- So the patient's gonna<br />arrive in a supine position,</p>
<p begin="00:00:18.169" end="00:00:20.784" style="s2">they'll often be on a backboard<br />as full spinal precaution,</p>
<p begin="00:00:20.784" end="00:00:23.903" style="s2">so motion of the patient<br />will be impossible.</p>
<p begin="00:00:23.903" end="00:00:25.651" style="s2">We're gonna choose our transducer.</p>
<p begin="00:00:25.651" end="00:00:28.435" style="s2">We have chosen the<br />phased array transducer,</p>
<p begin="00:00:28.435" end="00:00:31.935" style="s2">we're gonna put a little gel on top of it.</p>
<p begin="00:00:34.817" end="00:00:37.465" style="s2">And I like to put the probe marker</p>
<p begin="00:00:37.465" end="00:00:40.010" style="s2">toward the patient's<br />head, toward the axilla,</p>
<p begin="00:00:40.010" end="00:00:43.825" style="s2">at about the midaxillaral<br />line, 10 to 11th ribs.</p>
<p begin="00:00:43.825" end="00:00:46.410" style="s2">Another easy tip to find out the location</p>
<p begin="00:00:46.410" end="00:00:48.017" style="s2">is get to the costal margin,</p>
<p begin="00:00:48.017" end="00:00:50.137" style="s2">go about three finger-breadths above it,</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.137" end="00:00:52.570" style="s2">and you should be able to find the kidney</p>
<p begin="00:00:52.570" end="00:00:54.690" style="s2">and see the adjacent liver.</p>
<p begin="00:00:54.690" end="00:00:56.842" style="s2">I'm just adjusting my gain here.</p>
<p begin="00:00:56.842" end="00:00:59.050" style="s2">And already I can see the interface</p>
<p begin="00:00:59.050" end="00:01:02.671" style="s2">between the kidney and the<br />liver, which is Morison's pouch.</p>
<p begin="00:01:02.671" end="00:01:05.082" style="s2">So what we see here, on the bottom,</p>
<p begin="00:01:05.082" end="00:01:08.970" style="s2">this crescent shaped organ, is the kidney.</p>
<p begin="00:01:08.970" end="00:01:10.642" style="s2">Above it we see the liver,</p>
<p begin="00:01:10.642" end="00:01:12.866" style="s2">and just to the left side of the screen</p>
<p begin="00:01:12.866" end="00:01:14.602" style="s2">we see the diaphragm.</p>
<p begin="00:01:14.602" end="00:01:16.773" style="s2">So when I'm examining this area,</p>
<p begin="00:01:16.773" end="00:01:19.161" style="s2">I'm gonna carefully scan through</p>
<p begin="00:01:19.161" end="00:01:21.954" style="s2">the entire area of Morison's pouch,</p>
<p begin="00:01:21.954" end="00:01:23.903" style="s2">including at the liver tip.</p>
<p begin="00:01:23.903" end="00:01:25.866" style="s2">So we see this whole area here</p>
<p begin="00:01:25.866" end="00:01:28.178" style="s2">looking for an anechoic stripe.</p>
<p begin="00:01:28.178" end="00:01:31.730" style="s2">An anechoic stripe would be<br />indicative of free fluid.</p>
<p begin="00:01:31.730" end="00:01:33.770" style="s2">I'm also identifying the diaphragm,</p>
<p begin="00:01:33.770" end="00:01:35.680" style="s2">so when I look at the diaphragm,</p>
<p begin="00:01:35.680" end="00:01:37.577" style="s2">this is the hypoechoic or white line</p>
<p begin="00:01:37.577" end="00:01:39.321" style="s2">to the left side of the screen,</p>
<p begin="00:01:39.321" end="00:01:41.673" style="s2">and I should be able to<br />see that pretty easily</p>
<p begin="00:01:41.673" end="00:01:43.385" style="s2">and you can see what appears to be</p>
<p begin="00:01:43.385" end="00:01:45.593" style="s2">liver on both sides of the diaphragm,</p>
<p begin="00:01:45.593" end="00:01:47.849" style="s2">on the bottom far left of the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:47.849" end="00:01:50.921" style="s2">That is mirror artifact<br />and is a normal finding.</p>
<p begin="00:01:50.921" end="00:01:53.945" style="s2">If the patient had a pleural<br />fluid collection after trauma</p>
<p begin="00:01:53.945" end="00:01:55.457" style="s2">that would be a hemothorax,</p>
<p begin="00:01:55.457" end="00:01:59.624" style="s2">we would see an anechoic or<br />black area in this location.</p>
Brightcove ID

How to: FAST Exam: Male Pelvis

How to: FAST Exam: Male Pelvis

Learn the suprapubic view of the trauma FAST exam in males.
Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:15.596" end="00:00:17.684" style="s2">- We're going to go ahead<br />and do the suprapubic view</p>
<p begin="00:00:17.684" end="00:00:19.123" style="s2">of the FAST exam.</p>
<p begin="00:00:19.123" end="00:00:22.650" style="s2">We're going to put a little<br />gel on this transducer</p>
<p begin="00:00:22.650" end="00:00:25.395" style="s2">and we're going to go just<br />above the symphysis pubis</p>
<p begin="00:00:25.395" end="00:00:27.855" style="s2">and we're going to start<br />initially sagittally</p>
<p begin="00:00:27.855" end="00:00:30.312" style="s2">and then we're going to scan transversely.</p>
<p begin="00:00:30.312" end="00:00:32.689" style="s2">We have our marker right here.</p>
<p begin="00:00:32.689" end="00:00:35.183" style="s2">That's going to be aiming<br />toward the patient's head</p>
<p begin="00:00:35.183" end="00:00:36.739" style="s2">and we're going to put this transducer</p>
<p begin="00:00:36.739" end="00:00:38.298" style="s2">just above the symphysis pubis</p>
<p begin="00:00:38.298" end="00:00:39.775" style="s2">and we're going to see the bladder.</p>
<p begin="00:00:39.775" end="00:00:41.416" style="s2">We can see a pretty large bladder here.</p>
<p begin="00:00:41.416" end="00:00:43.463" style="s2">The first thing I'll take a<br />look at when I see the image</p>
<p begin="00:00:43.463" end="00:00:45.353" style="s2">is that we need to adjust our depth,</p>
<p begin="00:00:45.353" end="00:00:46.950" style="s2">so I'm changing the depth here</p>
<p begin="00:00:46.950" end="00:00:49.164" style="s2">to make this bladder into a better size</p>
<p begin="00:00:49.164" end="00:00:51.411" style="s2">that is going to fit<br />better within the image.</p>
<p begin="00:00:51.411" end="00:00:53.469" style="s2">The next thing I notice<br />that I do need to adjust</p>
<p begin="00:00:53.469" end="00:00:54.414" style="s2">is the gain.</p>
<p begin="00:00:54.414" end="00:00:58.027" style="s2">This is a very important<br />knob to be adjusting</p>
<p begin="00:00:58.027" end="00:01:00.316" style="s2">because in this view particularly</p>
<p begin="00:01:00.316" end="00:01:02.243" style="s2">you can have a lot of acoustic enhancement</p>
<p begin="00:01:02.243" end="00:01:03.634" style="s2">posterior to the bladder</p>
<p begin="00:01:03.634" end="00:01:06.338" style="s2">and we don't want to miss<br />small amounts of fluid.</p>
<p begin="00:01:06.338" end="00:01:09.210" style="s2">The far gain, which is this knob here,</p>
<p begin="00:01:09.210" end="00:01:11.960" style="s2">may need to be adjusted additionally.</p>
<p begin="00:01:11.960" end="00:01:14.215" style="s2">Once you identify the bladder,</p>
<p begin="00:01:14.215" end="00:01:16.633" style="s2">which we see as an anechoic structure</p>
<p begin="00:01:16.633" end="00:01:19.869" style="s2">with nice circumscribed walls,</p>
<p begin="00:01:19.869" end="00:01:22.452" style="s2">you want to then scan from left</p>
<p begin="00:01:23.385" end="00:01:24.218" style="s2">to right,</p>
<p begin="00:01:27.338" end="00:01:30.578" style="s2">looking particularly for evidence of fluid</p>
<p begin="00:01:30.578" end="00:01:33.322" style="s2">outside of that circumscribed bladder.</p>
<p begin="00:01:33.322" end="00:01:37.013" style="s2">We're looking for free<br />fluid within the pelvis.</p>
<p begin="00:01:37.013" end="00:01:39.720" style="s2">Once we're satisfied that<br />we can see the full bladder</p>
<p begin="00:01:39.720" end="00:01:41.647" style="s2">in a sagittal fashion,</p>
<p begin="00:01:41.647" end="00:01:45.008" style="s2">we're then going to turn<br />the transducer marker here</p>
<p begin="00:01:45.008" end="00:01:47.016" style="s2">toward the patient's right,</p>
<p begin="00:01:47.016" end="00:01:48.317" style="s2">and we're going to scan again.</p>
<p begin="00:01:48.317" end="00:01:50.003" style="s2">Now we're in a transverse view</p>
<p begin="00:01:50.003" end="00:01:53.898" style="s2">and were scanning from very inferiorly</p>
<p begin="00:01:53.898" end="00:01:55.444" style="s2">to superiorly,</p>
<p begin="00:01:55.444" end="00:01:59.611" style="s2">again looking for free fluid<br />outside of the bladder.</p>
<p begin="00:02:01.110" end="00:02:02.759" style="s2">As you're scanning through the bladder,</p>
<p begin="00:02:02.759" end="00:02:04.565" style="s2">again you're looking for free fluid,</p>
<p begin="00:02:04.565" end="00:02:08.168" style="s2">remember free fluid is anechoic<br />or black on ultrasounds</p>
<p begin="00:02:08.168" end="00:02:09.773" style="s2">so that's what you're<br />going to be looking for</p>
<p begin="00:02:09.773" end="00:02:11.690" style="s2">outside of the bladder.</p>
Brightcove ID