Dr. David Pomeranz, Code Black Movie Interview, Produced by Luke Baldwin, Sonosite FUJIFILM

Meet Dr. David Pomeranz from Code Black Movie

david-pomeranz-codeblack-sonositeBorn and raised in Reno, NV, Dave Pomeranz is currently a third-year Emergency Medicine Resident Physician at LA County and USC. He attended Cornell University and studied Civil and Environmental Engineering and subsequently lived in New York City, Colorado, New Zealand, and back to Reno. He eventually attended the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, where he still currently resides. "Emergency physicians play a huge role. And if the apocalypse hit, we'd have a decent skillset." Dr. Pomeranz explains that he had quite an important role in the making of the film. First filming pieces of the video in the old hospital building, and later becoming one of the characters while doing his residency at LA County, the emergency physician followed the entire process of the film with the director, Dr. McGarry. As an emergency physician in LA County, Dr. Pomeranz compares himself to specialty doctors in other areas of the hospital.
We often times don't wear our white coats. We're not in shirt and ties. We get our hands dirty. We get bloody. We'll go out into the waiting room. We'll actually see patients. If something happens, we'll run--we're not just going to walk professionally to something. It's just kind of the blue collar doc.

Dr. Pomeranz shares his feelings about the project he had a large part in completing.

behind the scenes1 of 12014-06-06 "I'm really really proud of the message that got across...I think it's really just a universal movie that has to do with taking care of patients, taking care of those in need, and I am incredibly proud of it." The final interview question reveals Dr. Pomeranz's frustration with those who turn a blind eye to suffering individuals who can't afford healthcare or are undocumented immigrants.
"If you were in the military, would you want somebody with that kind of attitude being a soldier next to you, where if something happens to you, they say, 'it's not my problem'?"

Watch the Code Black Movie Trailer

Code Black Movie