Configurações intuitivas do ultrassom

We design our ultrasound machines using clinician input, which means that we know what users need. We know you want an ultrasound system that won’t slow you down with technical obstacles or maze-like menus and screens. You get the exam settings that you need, when you need them, so you can provide your patients with the optimal care path.



You need an ultrasound machine that is ready to scan, stat. We build our systems to go from a cold start to scanning as fast as possible. 


As máquinas de ultrassom Sonosite apresentam interfaces de usuário intuitivas e controles por toque de fácil familiarização para que os sistemas estejam prontos com o mínimo de configurações. 

"Sonosite’s systems are incredibly portable, durable and have truly changed the dynamic in which first responders can diagnose a patient at the point-of-care.* Within 60 seconds, the paramedics can scan a patient for internal bleeding, and then determine whether they need to call the surgeon to head into the local trauma center. Sonosite has placed valuable technology in the hands of EMS providers and as a result, they have brought major benefits to patients at the point of care.”

-David Spears, MD, diretor médico de emergência, Odessa, Texas

*Escopo de fluxo de trabalho prático e pré-hospitalar com ultrassom altamente portátil varia com base no país e/ou regiões locais.


Find the Right Sonosite Ultrasound System For You

To talk to a Sonosite rep or demo a Sonosite machine, contact us online or call your local office


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