X-Porte, C35, Sciatic Nerve, Regional Anesthesia
X-Porte, C35, Sciatic Nerve, Regional Anesthesia
X-Porte, C35XP, Sciatic Nerve, Regional Anesthesia
EII, HFL38, LUNG, Lung sliding
EII, HFL50, Thyroid, Small Parts
EII, HFL38, Lung, Lung Sliding
iViz, L25, Lung, Lung Sliding
TV Coronal Uterus
TV Uterus with Migrating IUD Sagittal
TV Uterus with Migrating IUD Transverse
TA Fetal Pole IUP
TA Uterus Sagittal Sweep
TA Uterus Transverse Sweep
TV Nabothian Cyst Cervix
TV Ovary
TV Uterus with IUD Sagittal
3D Animation: Pregnancy 1st Trimester TV
3D Pathology: Ectopic Pregnancy 1st Trimester TA
3D Pathology: Ocular High Intracranial Pressure
3D Pathology: Ocular Retinal Detachment
Ocular - Normal Optic Nerve Sheath 1
Ocular - Normal Optic Nerve Sheath 2
Ocular - Normal Sagittal Imaging
Ocular - Normal Transverse Imaging
Ocular - Retinal Detachment 1
Ocular - Retinal Detachment 2
Ocular - Vitreous Detachement
Ocular - Vitreous Detachment with Hemorrhage 5
Ocular - Vitreous Hemorrage with Eye Motion 1
IViz, P21, Inferior Vena Cava, Cardiac and Abdomen
Vevo MD UHF 48 Skin surface with gel as a standoff
Vevo MD UHF 70 Superficial 2 mm Hemangioma with colour flow
Vevo MD UHF 48 Thumb Print
UHF 70 MHz - Exophytic Mole
UHF 70 MHz - Nail Bed with Colour
Vevo MD UHF 70 Superficial Vein with colour flow
Vevo MD UHF 70 Adult low flow vein 2D - See each blood cell passing through vessel
Vevo MD UHF 70 Superficial vein with low flow in adult
Vevo MD UHF 48 - Adult Radial Artery with Colour Flow
UHF 48 MHz - Arm Vein Valve
UHJ 48 MHz - Arm Vein with Valve
UHF 48 MHz - Radial Artery
UHF 70 MHz - Superficial Wound R/O Abscess
Vevo MD UHF 70 Median Nerve - Cross section of the nerve bundle
Vevo MD UHF 48 Lt Achilles Tendon with each collagenous fibre clearly delineated
Vevo MD UHF 48 TMJ 50 Year old female normal TMJ disk space
UHF 48 MHz - Patellar Tendon
UHF 22 MHz - 2 Month old Neonate Spine
Vevo MD UHF 48 Pediatric Bowel
Vevo MD Trx Pediatric Esophagus - See mucosa, submucosa, muscularis propria and adventitia