Introducing you to the potential of ultrasound
Heart failure's an enormous problem for medicine and hospitals in general. But especially the emergency department, because we're the first stop for people who are in distress.
The Real Rehabilitator: Kimberly Harmon, MD and Sonosite Ultrasound
El dr Xavier Sala nos cuenta su experiencia con los ecógrafos Sonosite en su día a día.
Advanced Needle Visualization with More Transducers and Exam Types
Critical Care and Ultrasound at the Bedside
Does It Hurt Now? - Anesthesiology, Sonosite Ultrasound
Field Medicine: Military Medicine and Sonosite Ultrasound
First-hand account of incorporating portable ultrasound into an MSK practice
Emergency Medicine, Sonosite Ultrasound
Learn the basic approach to scanning the right upper quadrant for biliary tract pathology.
Learn how to measure the common bile duct.
Learn the suprapubic view of the trauma FAST exam in males.
Learn the M-Turbo system startup sequence for the FAST exam.
Learn to examine Morison's pouch in the right upper quadrant for fluid collections.
Learn to scan the splenorenal recess for fluid collections.
Learn to examine the heart using the subcostal window and four chamber plane. This view is commonly taught as part of the cardiac evaluation during the trauma FAST exam.
Learn to examine the female pelvis for free fluid.
Series 1 of 4, This video represents a comprehensive algorithm for the integration of bedside ultrasound for patients in shock. By focusing on "Pump, Tank, and the Pipes," clinicians will gain crucial anatomic and physiologic data to better care for these patients.
Series 2 of 4, This video represents a comprehensive algorithym for the intergration of bedside ultrasound for patients in shock. By focusing on "Pump, Tank, and the Pipes," clinicians will gain crucial anatomic and physiologic data to better care for these patients.
Series 3 of 4, This video represents a comprehensive algorithym for the intergration of bedside ultrasound for patients in shock. By focusing on "Pump, Tank, and the Pipes," clinicians will gain crucial anatomic and physiologic data to better care for these patients.
Series 4 of 4, This video represents a comprehensive algorithym for the intergration of bedside ultrasound for patients in shock. By focusing on "Pump, Tank, and the Pipes," clinicians will gain crucial anatomic and physiologic data to better care for these patients.