Needle Guides

Needle Guides

Needle Guide
Kit Available
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Ultrasound is used across a variety of specialties to perform many types of interventions, including biopsy and point-of-care procedures. Needle visualization is critical. The use of a needle guide keeps the needle aligned with the ultrasound probe’s sound beam, leading to:

Leakage Tester

Leakage Tester

Needle Guide
CIVCO Infiniti Plus™ In-Plane Ultrasound Needle Guide
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The purpose of the leakage tester is to evaluate the integrity of the transducer electrical insulation prior to each use of the T8-3 transesophageal transducer.

Sonosite ECG Module

Sonosite ECG Module

Needle Guide
CIVCO Infiniti Plus™ In-Plane Ultrasound Needle Guide
Online Ordering

The 3-lead Sonosite ECG Module connects directly to the Sonosite PX and Sonosite LX ultrasound system through a dedicated ECG port. It allows the system to display an ECG trace on the clinical monitor. Includes ECG lead wire set.