3D How To: Baker's Cyst Aspiration

3D How To: Popliteal Sciatic Nerve Block

3D animation demonstrating an ultrasound guided Popliteal nerve block.

How To Perform A Popliteal Nerve Block

A popliteal sciatic nerve block done with the Sonosite SII ultrasound machine is a clinically valuable technique that results in anesthesia of the calf, tibia, fibula, ankle, and foot. Anesthesiologist Dr. David Auyong MD of Seattle, Washington here reviews scanning techniques and sonographic landmarks for the procedure, discussing important structures, techniques to visualize the popliteal vein, types of probe used, and needle/injection choices. The Sonosite II allows precise placement of local anesthetic, much reducing patient discomfort, providing superior visualization of the nerve and the needle during block placement.