After I Tap a Video Title, How Do I Know That the Video Is Downloading for Playback?

After I Tap a Video Title, How Do I Know That the Video Is Downloading for Playback?

The Title row turns blue and an activity wheel displays to indicate the selected video is downloading to your device. The SonoAccess application uses progressive download technology over an international content delivery network to deliver the videos to you on demand. Look for the activity wheels in the title bar and progress bar on the video player for status of the download. The player automatically launches the video when it is ready.

How Long Does It Take Videos To Download?

How Long Does It Take Videos To Download?

SonoAccess videos use a high-quality Apple QuickTime® encoding to ensure that you can clearly see the sonographic images within in the video. Download speeds can vary from less than 5 seconds on Wi-Fi or a strong 3G signal, to an average of 15 seconds on 3G. Downloads on a weak 3G or a strong 2G connection can take up to 30 seconds or longer, in rare cases.

S Series: Brachial Plexus Infraclavicular

S Series: Brachial Plexus Infraclavicular

S Series: Brachial Plexus Infraclavicular .
Clinical Specialties
Media Library Type