Case: Cardiac Ultrasound - Parasternal Short Axis

Case: Parasternal Long Axis Pt. 2

Case: Parasternal Long Axis Pt. 1

Cardiac Ultrasound Views: Subxiphoid

Using bedside cardiac ultrasound and a phased array probe to evaluate cardiac structures and health, the presence of pericardial effusion, and evaluating the left heart chamber size and valves.

Case: Cardiac Ultrasound - Apical View

Using the apical view and a phased array probe during bedside cardiac ultrasound examinations can enable clinicians to evaluate cardiac health, structures, & ventricular contractility. This view is ideal for identifying cardiomyopathy, pericardial effusion, and cardiac tamponade.

How to: Focused Echo: Apical View

How to: Focused Echo: Parasternal View