Case: Cardiac Ultrasound - Apical View

Case: Cardiac Ultrasound - Apical View


Using the apical view and a phased array probe during bedside cardiac ultrasound examinations can enable clinicians to evaluate cardiac health, structures, & ventricular contractility. This view is ideal for identifying cardiomyopathy, pericardial effusion, and cardiac tamponade.

Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:11.177" end="00:00:13.140" style="s2">- Hello, my name is Phil Perera</p>
<p begin="00:00:13.140" end="00:00:15.016" style="s2">and I'm the emergency<br />ultrasound coordinator</p>
<p begin="00:00:15.016" end="00:00:17.935" style="s2">at the New York Presbyterian<br />Hospital in New York City</p>
<p begin="00:00:17.935" end="00:00:20.602" style="s2">and welcome to Soundbytes Cases.</p>
<p begin="00:00:21.664" end="00:00:23.207" style="s2">In this module we'll continue our journey</p>
<p begin="00:00:23.207" end="00:00:26.643" style="s2">down the path of the four<br />cardiac examination views.</p>
<p begin="00:00:26.643" end="00:00:28.233" style="s2">Specifically in this module</p>
<p begin="00:00:28.233" end="00:00:30.275" style="s2">we're going to look at probe position C,</p>
<p begin="00:00:30.275" end="00:00:32.752" style="s2">known as the apical view of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:00:32.752" end="00:00:34.040" style="s2">I hope you've been able to join me prior</p>
<p begin="00:00:34.040" end="00:00:37.314" style="s2">looking at probe position<br />A, the parasternal views,</p>
<p begin="00:00:37.314" end="00:00:41.331" style="s2">and probe position B the<br />subxiphoid views of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:00:41.331" end="00:00:43.908" style="s2">So the apical view of the<br />heart is an excellent view</p>
<p begin="00:00:43.908" end="00:00:45.693" style="s2">and gives a great deal of information</p>
<p begin="00:00:45.693" end="00:00:47.101" style="s2">about our patient's heart</p>
<p begin="00:00:47.101" end="00:00:49.087" style="s2">as it shows all four chambers of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:00:49.087" end="00:00:50.769" style="s2">in relation to one another.</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.769" end="00:00:52.612" style="s2">Therefore, the apical view of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:00:52.612" end="00:00:55.154" style="s2">is preferred by cardiologists<br />as it shows the synergy</p>
<p begin="00:00:55.154" end="00:00:58.599" style="s2">of all of the chambers of<br />the heart to one another.</p>
<p begin="00:00:58.599" end="00:01:00.386" style="s2">Now let's take a look at a pictorial</p>
<p begin="00:01:00.386" end="00:01:03.571" style="s2">showing how to perform the<br />apical view of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:01:03.571" end="00:01:05.650" style="s2">Preferably, you're going to<br />be using a small footprint</p>
<p begin="00:01:05.650" end="00:01:07.263" style="s2">phased array type probe</p>
<p begin="00:01:07.263" end="00:01:09.139" style="s2">that can easily get in between the ribs.</p>
<p begin="00:01:09.139" end="00:01:11.667" style="s2">Position the probe directly<br />underneath the left nipple</p>
<p begin="00:01:11.667" end="00:01:14.690" style="s2">at about the point of<br />maximal impulse of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:01:14.690" end="00:01:15.895" style="s2">with the probe indicator</p>
<p begin="00:01:15.895" end="00:01:17.915" style="s2">over towards the patient's right side.</p>
<p begin="00:01:17.915" end="00:01:19.059" style="s2">Now that's with the caveat</p>
<p begin="00:01:19.059" end="00:01:21.312" style="s2">that the ultrasound's screen<br />indicator is positioned</p>
<p begin="00:01:21.312" end="00:01:23.338" style="s2">toward the left of the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:23.338" end="00:01:24.419" style="s2">Now moving the patient</p>
<p begin="00:01:24.419" end="00:01:26.503" style="s2">into the left lateral decubitus position</p>
<p begin="00:01:26.503" end="00:01:28.997" style="s2">can improve imaging from<br />the apical view of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:01:28.997" end="00:01:31.166" style="s2">as it moves the heart closer to the probe</p>
<p begin="00:01:31.166" end="00:01:33.539" style="s2">and moves the lung out of the way.</p>
<p begin="00:01:33.539" end="00:01:35.851" style="s2">Thus, it's important to<br />consider moving the patient</p>
<p begin="00:01:35.851" end="00:01:37.040" style="s2">into this position</p>
<p begin="00:01:37.040" end="00:01:40.097" style="s2">when performing the<br />apical view of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:01:40.097" end="00:01:42.009" style="s2">Now let's learn how to<br />interpret the images</p>
<p begin="00:01:42.009" end="00:01:43.284" style="s2">that we'll obtain.</p>
<p begin="00:01:43.284" end="00:01:45.033" style="s2">We see here a pictorial to the left</p>
<p begin="00:01:45.033" end="00:01:46.962" style="s2">and an ultrasound image to the right.</p>
<p begin="00:01:46.962" end="00:01:49.543" style="s2">As we're imaging from the<br />apical view of the heart,</p>
<p begin="00:01:49.543" end="00:01:51.009" style="s2">we're closest to the ventricles</p>
<p begin="00:01:51.009" end="00:01:52.654" style="s2">and in this image we<br />see the left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:01:52.654" end="00:01:55.486" style="s2">to the right of the screen and<br />the right ventricle adjacent.</p>
<p begin="00:01:55.486" end="00:01:58.346" style="s2">The atria from the<br />apical view of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:01:58.346" end="00:02:01.831" style="s2">will be further away, thus<br />posterior to the ventricles</p>
<p begin="00:02:01.831" end="00:02:03.499" style="s2">and we see here the left atrium</p>
<p begin="00:02:03.499" end="00:02:05.104" style="s2">just below the left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:02:05.104" end="00:02:08.321" style="s2">and the right atrium<br />below the right ventricle.</p>
<p begin="00:02:08.321" end="00:02:11.325" style="s2">We also see the valves, the<br />tricuspid valve to the left</p>
<p begin="00:02:11.325" end="00:02:13.252" style="s2">and the mitral valve to the right</p>
<p begin="00:02:13.252" end="00:02:15.888" style="s2">in between the left atrium<br />and the left ventricle.</p>
<p begin="00:02:15.888" end="00:02:17.729" style="s2">We can also appreciate the white lines</p>
<p begin="00:02:17.729" end="00:02:20.608" style="s2">surrounding the heart,<br />which is the pericardium.</p>
<p begin="00:02:20.608" end="00:02:22.202" style="s2">Now let's take a look at a video clip</p>
<p begin="00:02:22.202" end="00:02:24.960" style="s2">showing the apical view<br />of the heart in action.</p>
<p begin="00:02:24.960" end="00:02:26.815" style="s2">This is taken from a<br />medical student triathlete,</p>
<p begin="00:02:26.815" end="00:02:29.167" style="s2">so let's take a look<br />at that left ventricle.</p>
<p begin="00:02:29.167" end="00:02:32.312" style="s2">We see the left ventricle in<br />its more superficial location</p>
<p begin="00:02:32.312" end="00:02:34.173" style="s2">to the right of the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:02:34.173" end="00:02:37.441" style="s2">Notice the percentage change<br />from diastole to systole.</p>
<p begin="00:02:37.441" end="00:02:39.918" style="s2">Note the walls almost<br />touch with each heartbeat,</p>
<p begin="00:02:39.918" end="00:02:42.198" style="s2">indicating a good contractility.</p>
<p begin="00:02:42.198" end="00:02:44.781" style="s2">We see the right ventricle to<br />the side of the left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:02:44.781" end="00:02:48.247" style="s2">and the two atria posterior<br />to the ventricles.</p>
<p begin="00:02:48.247" end="00:02:50.848" style="s2">Notice the mitral valve<br />in between the left atrium</p>
<p begin="00:02:50.848" end="00:02:52.928" style="s2">and left ventricle and the tricuspid valve</p>
<p begin="00:02:52.928" end="00:02:54.242" style="s2">to the right side.</p>
<p begin="00:02:54.242" end="00:02:55.459" style="s2">Notice here the absence</p>
<p begin="00:02:55.459" end="00:02:58.792" style="s2">of any significant pericardial effusion.</p>
<p begin="00:03:00.251" end="00:03:02.942" style="s2">Let's contrast that last<br />clip from this patient</p>
<p begin="00:03:02.942" end="00:03:05.753" style="s2">who has a dilated cardiomyopathy,</p>
<p begin="00:03:05.753" end="00:03:07.113" style="s2">and as we look at that left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:03:07.113" end="00:03:09.111" style="s2">from the apical view of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:03:09.111" end="00:03:10.826" style="s2">we see a very poor percentage change</p>
<p begin="00:03:10.826" end="00:03:13.001" style="s2">from diastole through systole.</p>
<p begin="00:03:13.001" end="00:03:15.653" style="s2">This is indicative of a<br />very poor contractility</p>
<p begin="00:03:15.653" end="00:03:17.093" style="s2">of this heart.</p>
<p begin="00:03:17.093" end="00:03:19.773" style="s2">We see the right ventricle to<br />the side of the left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:03:19.773" end="00:03:21.909" style="s2">and the two atria posterior.</p>
<p begin="00:03:21.909" end="00:03:24.244" style="s2">Notice the sluggish movement<br />of both the mitral value</p>
<p begin="00:03:24.244" end="00:03:26.987" style="s2">and the tricuspid valve.</p>
<p begin="00:03:26.987" end="00:03:29.091" style="s2">We see a little bit of<br />pericardial effusion,</p>
<p begin="00:03:29.091" end="00:03:31.418" style="s2">that little black rim around the heart,</p>
<p begin="00:03:31.418" end="00:03:32.785" style="s2">also going together</p>
<p begin="00:03:32.785" end="00:03:35.774" style="s2">with this patient's cardiomyopathy status.</p>
<p begin="00:03:35.774" end="00:03:37.137" style="s2">Here's an interesting video clip</p>
<p begin="00:03:37.137" end="00:03:39.516" style="s2">of a patient who presented<br />with acute shortness of breath.</p>
<p begin="00:03:39.516" end="00:03:41.328" style="s2">What we notice here is the right ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:03:41.328" end="00:03:44.311" style="s2">and the left ventricle<br />closest to the screen,</p>
<p begin="00:03:44.311" end="00:03:47.199" style="s2">but we see here a very<br />large pericardial effusion</p>
<p begin="00:03:47.199" end="00:03:49.426" style="s2">circumferentially surrounding the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:03:49.426" end="00:03:51.444" style="s2">And notice the heart<br />swinging back and forth</p>
<p begin="00:03:51.444" end="00:03:53.151" style="s2">in all the pericardial effusion.</p>
<p begin="00:03:53.151" end="00:03:55.029" style="s2">This gives rise to the phenomenon</p>
<p begin="00:03:55.029" end="00:03:56.569" style="s2">known as electrical alternans</p>
<p begin="00:03:56.569" end="00:04:00.298" style="s2">or different sizes QRSs on the EKG.</p>
<p begin="00:04:00.298" end="00:04:02.505" style="s2">Here's a patient who was in bad shape</p>
<p begin="00:04:02.505" end="00:04:04.682" style="s2">and presented with acute<br />shortness of breath.</p>
<p begin="00:04:04.682" end="00:04:07.056" style="s2">We see a very large pericardial effusion</p>
<p begin="00:04:07.056" end="00:04:09.578" style="s2">and let's look specifically<br />at the right ventricle.</p>
<p begin="00:04:09.578" end="00:04:12.535" style="s2">Notice that it caves in from diastole</p>
<p begin="00:04:12.535" end="00:04:15.382" style="s2">due to the high pressure<br />in the pericardial sac.</p>
<p begin="00:04:15.382" end="00:04:18.592" style="s2">Thus this is indicative of<br />advanced cardiac tamponade.</p>
<p begin="00:04:18.592" end="00:04:22.759" style="s2">This patient will need a stat<br />pericardiocentesis procedure.</p>
<p begin="00:04:25.040" end="00:04:26.718" style="s2">So in conclusion I'm glad<br />I could share with you</p>
<p begin="00:04:26.718" end="00:04:27.770" style="s2">this Soundbytes module</p>
<p begin="00:04:27.770" end="00:04:30.041" style="s2">going over the apical views of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:04:30.041" end="00:04:31.377" style="s2">This is an often neglected view</p>
<p begin="00:04:31.377" end="00:04:33.227" style="s2">but one that gives a<br />great deal of information</p>
<p begin="00:04:33.227" end="00:04:34.776" style="s2">about your patients heart</p>
<p begin="00:04:34.776" end="00:04:36.529" style="s2">and really should be routinely integrated</p>
<p begin="00:04:36.529" end="00:04:38.969" style="s2">into the cardiac echo examination.</p>
<p begin="00:04:38.969" end="00:04:40.100" style="s2">It's best to move the patient</p>
<p begin="00:04:40.100" end="00:04:42.153" style="s2">into the left lateral decutibus position</p>
<p begin="00:04:42.153" end="00:04:44.930" style="s2">to optimize imaging from<br />the apical view of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:04:44.930" end="00:04:46.698" style="s2">to see all four chambers of the heart</p>
<p begin="00:04:46.698" end="00:04:49.021" style="s2">in relation to one another.</p>
<p begin="00:04:49.021" end="00:04:53.188" style="s2">So I hope to see you back<br />as Soundbytes continues.</p>
Brightcove ID

Using the apical view and a phased array probe during bedside cardiac ultrasound examinations can enable clinicians to evaluate cardiac health, structures, & ventricular contractility. This view is ideal for identifying cardiomyopathy, pericardial effusion, and cardiac tamponade.

How to: Focused Echo: Apical View

How to: Focused Echo: Apical View

Learn to examine the heart using the apical window and four chamber plane.
Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:15.307" end="00:00:16.432" style="s2">- The other view that you wanna do</p>
<p begin="00:00:16.432" end="00:00:18.109" style="s2">as part of the focused echo examination</p>
<p begin="00:00:18.109" end="00:00:20.329" style="s2">is the apical four chamber view,</p>
<p begin="00:00:20.329" end="00:00:22.596" style="s2">and the orientation marker for this view</p>
<p begin="00:00:22.596" end="00:00:24.144" style="s2">is gonna be to the patent's left.</p>
<p begin="00:00:24.144" end="00:00:29.121" style="s2">So it actually matches the<br />orientation marker on the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:00:29.121" end="00:00:32.910" style="s2">To identify where you need<br />to go, palpate for the PMI,</p>
<p begin="00:00:32.910" end="00:00:36.577" style="s2">and then place the<br />transducer at this point.</p>
<p begin="00:00:38.037" end="00:00:40.311" style="s2">This is the apical four chamber view.</p>
<p begin="00:00:40.311" end="00:00:43.042" style="s2">On this view, we have an<br />overall assessment of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:00:43.042" end="00:00:47.352" style="s2">We can see all chambers<br />of the heart in one view.</p>
<p begin="00:00:47.352" end="00:00:48.540" style="s2">On the left side of the screen,</p>
<p begin="00:00:48.540" end="00:00:50.652" style="s2">we're gonna see the<br />right side of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.652" end="00:00:54.198" style="s2">So this is gonna be the right<br />atrium, tricuspid valve,</p>
<p begin="00:00:54.198" end="00:00:57.990" style="s2">right ventricle, intraventricular septum,</p>
<p begin="00:00:57.990" end="00:01:01.823" style="s2">left ventricle, mitral<br />valve, and left atrium.</p>
<p begin="00:01:03.021" end="00:01:05.872" style="s2">And what we're really looking<br />for here is a comparison</p>
<p begin="00:01:05.872" end="00:01:09.553" style="s2">of right to left side,<br />size of the left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:01:09.553" end="00:01:13.720" style="s2">to the right ventricle, left<br />atrium to the right atrium.</p>
<p begin="00:01:15.915" end="00:01:16.968" style="s2">If you've determined that you need</p>
<p begin="00:01:16.968" end="00:01:20.506" style="s2">to do a pericardiocentesis,<br />this is a good view to evaluate</p>
<p begin="00:01:20.506" end="00:01:23.141" style="s2">if you can get good<br />access from this point,</p>
<p begin="00:01:23.141" end="00:01:25.273" style="s2">because if you can get<br />access from this point,</p>
<p begin="00:01:25.273" end="00:01:27.316" style="s2">instead of going through<br />the subxiphoid approach,</p>
<p begin="00:01:27.316" end="00:01:29.117" style="s2">you avoid the liver altogether,</p>
<p begin="00:01:29.117" end="00:01:31.554" style="s2">and at this point, you're<br />very close to the heart</p>
<p begin="00:01:31.554" end="00:01:34.541" style="s2">and can quickly identify<br />where the fluid is</p>
<p begin="00:01:34.541" end="00:01:35.874" style="s2">and draw it out.</p>
Brightcove ID

How to: Focused Echo: Parasternal View

How to: Focused Echo: Parasternal View

Learn to examine the heart using the parasternal window and the long axis plane.
Media Library Type
<p begin="00:00:15.263" end="00:00:16.802" style="s2">- Okay, I'm going to walk<br />you through the steps of</p>
<p begin="00:00:16.802" end="00:00:18.776" style="s2">doing a focused echo exam.</p>
<p begin="00:00:18.776" end="00:00:20.792" style="s2">And, there's a couple of<br />different views that you do</p>
<p begin="00:00:20.792" end="00:00:22.069" style="s2">as part of the focused echo exam.</p>
<p begin="00:00:22.069" end="00:00:23.995" style="s2">I'm going to concentrate<br />first on the parasternal</p>
<p begin="00:00:23.995" end="00:00:26.170" style="s2">long axis, and then we'll<br />walk you through the</p>
<p begin="00:00:26.170" end="00:00:28.259" style="s2">apical four-chamber view as well.</p>
<p begin="00:00:28.259" end="00:00:31.285" style="s2">The parasternal long axis,<br />you can also use as part</p>
<p begin="00:00:31.285" end="00:00:34.932" style="s2">of your FAST examination<br />if you're having trouble</p>
<p begin="00:00:34.932" end="00:00:37.365" style="s2">doing the subcostal or subxiphoid view.</p>
<p begin="00:00:37.365" end="00:00:40.630" style="s2">The parasternal long axis<br />is a great alternative to</p>
<p begin="00:00:40.630" end="00:00:44.913" style="s2">get an overall estimation of<br />function of the left ventricle,</p>
<p begin="00:00:44.913" end="00:00:46.796" style="s2">as part of the FAST exam, and also</p>
<p begin="00:00:46.796" end="00:00:49.629" style="s2">evaluate for pericardial effusion.</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.470" end="00:00:52.396" style="s2">Okay, so the first thing<br />you're going to do with this,</p>
<p begin="00:00:52.396" end="00:00:54.254" style="s2">if you can, is have the patient</p>
<p begin="00:00:54.254" end="00:00:55.936" style="s2">turn over to their left side.</p>
<p begin="00:00:55.936" end="00:00:58.819" style="s2">The reason we like to do this<br />is as you have the patient</p>
<p begin="00:00:58.819" end="00:01:01.378" style="s2">turned to their left, the<br />heart's going to fall forward in</p>
<p begin="00:01:01.378" end="00:01:03.926" style="s2">the chest cavity and bring<br />it a little bit closer to the</p>
<p begin="00:01:03.926" end="00:01:07.756" style="s2">window that you're trying<br />to access, through the ribs.</p>
<p begin="00:01:07.756" end="00:01:10.491" style="s2">So in this case, if we're doing<br />a cardiac examination, with</p>
<p begin="00:01:10.491" end="00:01:14.367" style="s2">a cardiac exam type, we want<br />the orientation marker facing</p>
<p begin="00:01:14.367" end="00:01:17.284" style="s2">up to the patient's right shoulder.</p>
<p begin="00:01:18.903" end="00:01:21.939" style="s2">So once we have the orientation<br />figured out, we're going to</p>
<p begin="00:01:21.939" end="00:01:25.439" style="s2">put a little bit of gel on the transducer.</p>
<p begin="00:01:28.519" end="00:01:32.206" style="s2">And we're going to find where<br />the sternum is, and just move,</p>
<p begin="00:01:32.206" end="00:01:36.375" style="s2">just a little bit left of<br />the sternum, looking for the</p>
<p begin="00:01:36.375" end="00:01:39.208" style="s2">fourth to sixth intercostal space.</p>
<p begin="00:01:44.450" end="00:01:46.748" style="s2">And that should put you at<br />least in the ballpark area for</p>
<p begin="00:01:46.748" end="00:01:49.927" style="s2">where you're going to find<br />the parasternal long axis</p>
<p begin="00:01:49.927" end="00:01:51.427" style="s2">view of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:01:53.630" end="00:01:57.463" style="s2">So remembering that the<br />heart sits in the body</p>
<p begin="00:01:58.530" end="00:02:00.896" style="s2">at a slight angle, this is going to be the</p>
<p begin="00:02:00.896" end="00:02:03.800" style="s2">long axis view of the heart itself.</p>
<p begin="00:02:03.800" end="00:02:05.963" style="s2">Not long axis of the body,<br />but we'll look at the long</p>
<p begin="00:02:05.963" end="00:02:07.496" style="s2">axis of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:02:07.496" end="00:02:10.047" style="s2">When we look at the ultrasound<br />image, we should quickly</p>
<p begin="00:02:10.047" end="00:02:14.214" style="s2">be able to identify the left<br />ventricle, which we see here.</p>
<p begin="00:02:16.825" end="00:02:19.651" style="s2">And what we're evaluating for is a squeeze</p>
<p begin="00:02:19.651" end="00:02:22.136" style="s2">of this left ventricle.</p>
<p begin="00:02:22.136" end="00:02:25.839" style="s2">So on this image, we<br />have the right ventricle,</p>
<p begin="00:02:25.839" end="00:02:29.422" style="s2">left ventricle, left<br />atrium, and the aorta.</p>
<p begin="00:02:31.028" end="00:02:33.611" style="s2">Mitral valve, and aortic valve.</p>
<p begin="00:02:36.423" end="00:02:38.115" style="s2">Typically, we are doing<br />this examination to</p>
<p begin="00:02:38.115" end="00:02:41.220" style="s2">evaluate for pericardial effusion.</p>
<p begin="00:02:41.220" end="00:02:43.879" style="s2">So we want to identify the pericardium.</p>
<p begin="00:02:43.879" end="00:02:46.645" style="s2">This is going to be<br />this bright, white line</p>
<p begin="00:02:46.645" end="00:02:48.848" style="s2">around the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:02:48.848" end="00:02:50.482" style="s2">What's important in this view is that</p>
<p begin="00:02:50.482" end="00:02:52.683" style="s2">you have it deep enough<br />so that you can identify</p>
<p begin="00:02:52.683" end="00:02:55.682" style="s2">where the descending aorta is.</p>
<p begin="00:02:55.682" end="00:02:57.832" style="s2">The descending aorta is<br />going to appear posterior</p>
<p begin="00:02:57.832" end="00:02:59.452" style="s2">to the left atrium.</p>
<p begin="00:02:59.452" end="00:03:02.362" style="s2">And we're going to see<br />it as a round circle.</p>
<p begin="00:03:02.362" end="00:03:05.279" style="s2">If the fluid is in the pericardium,</p>
<p begin="00:03:06.504" end="00:03:09.935" style="s2">it's going to be above<br />this descending aorta.</p>
<p begin="00:03:09.935" end="00:03:12.793" style="s2">If it's a plural<br />effusion, it's going to be</p>
<p begin="00:03:12.793" end="00:03:14.547" style="s2">behind the descending aorta.</p>
<p begin="00:03:14.547" end="00:03:17.272" style="s2">So this is a very important<br />landmark that you need to</p>
<p begin="00:03:17.272" end="00:03:19.680" style="s2">identify, so you can clearly establish</p>
<p begin="00:03:19.680" end="00:03:22.415" style="s2">where the fluid is present.</p>
<p begin="00:03:22.415" end="00:03:25.090" style="s2">Another important area you<br />have to identify to determine</p>
<p begin="00:03:25.090" end="00:03:28.123" style="s2">exactly where the pericardial<br />effusion is, is the</p>
<p begin="00:03:28.123" end="00:03:30.011" style="s2">anterior aspect of the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:03:30.011" end="00:03:32.620" style="s2">You have to be careful when<br />you evaluate this area,</p>
<p begin="00:03:32.620" end="00:03:34.731" style="s2">because there could be<br />a fat pad in this area</p>
<p begin="00:03:34.731" end="00:03:37.226" style="s2">that appears hypoechoic.</p>
<p begin="00:03:37.226" end="00:03:40.163" style="s2">So for it to be a true<br />pericardial effusion, we want to</p>
<p begin="00:03:40.163" end="00:03:43.192" style="s2">see the fluid wrapping all<br />the way around the heart,</p>
<p begin="00:03:43.192" end="00:03:44.616" style="s2">to the posterior aspect.</p>
<p begin="00:03:44.616" end="00:03:47.104" style="s2">If it's just here, in the anterior aspect,</p>
<p begin="00:03:47.104" end="00:03:49.604" style="s2">it's probably just a fat pad.</p>
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How to: Focused Echo: Subcostal View

How to: Focused Echo: Subcostal View

Learn to examine the heart using the subcostal window and four chamber plane. This view is commonly taught as part of the cardiac evaluation during the trauma FAST exam.
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<p begin="00:00:15.492" end="00:00:16.763" style="s2">- The next view I'm gonna take you through</p>
<p begin="00:00:16.763" end="00:00:19.343" style="s2">in the FAST exam is the subcoastal view</p>
<p begin="00:00:19.343" end="00:00:21.477" style="s2">of the heart in a four-chamber plane.</p>
<p begin="00:00:21.477" end="00:00:23.708" style="s2">For this, we're gonna put our transducer</p>
<p begin="00:00:23.708" end="00:00:24.958" style="s2">to phased array</p>
<p begin="00:00:25.797" end="00:00:27.248" style="s2">to the subxiphoid area,</p>
<p begin="00:00:27.248" end="00:00:29.577" style="s2">aiming towards the<br />patient's left shoulder.</p>
<p begin="00:00:29.577" end="00:00:30.820" style="s2">Here is the probe marker here,</p>
<p begin="00:00:30.820" end="00:00:32.310" style="s2">which I'm going to angle towards</p>
<p begin="00:00:32.310" end="00:00:33.977" style="s2">the patient's right.</p>
<p begin="00:00:34.826" end="00:00:38.844" style="s2">When I do this exam, I wanna<br />make sure this transducer is</p>
<p begin="00:00:38.844" end="00:00:40.564" style="s2">along the frontal plane</p>
<p begin="00:00:40.564" end="00:00:42.678" style="s2">and aiming toward the chest.</p>
<p begin="00:00:42.678" end="00:00:45.604" style="s2">A common mistake is to go too</p>
<p begin="00:00:45.604" end="00:00:47.052" style="s2">inferior into the abdomen,</p>
<p begin="00:00:47.052" end="00:00:49.209" style="s2">so you want to go deep into the chest.</p>
<p begin="00:00:49.209" end="00:00:50.476" style="s2">When you're in this location,</p>
<p begin="00:00:50.476" end="00:00:52.066" style="s2">the other thing you're gonna need to do</p>
<p begin="00:00:52.066" end="00:00:53.609" style="s2">is increase your depth.</p>
<p begin="00:00:53.609" end="00:00:55.598" style="s2">I'm gonna use my depth key right here</p>
<p begin="00:00:55.598" end="00:00:56.957" style="s2">and I'm gonna increase,</p>
<p begin="00:00:56.957" end="00:00:59.650" style="s2">so I can see the full heart in view</p>
<p begin="00:00:59.650" end="00:01:03.130" style="s2">and now you can see<br />we're at 21 centimeters.</p>
<p begin="00:01:03.130" end="00:01:05.906" style="s2">Some common landmarks<br />that you need to identify,</p>
<p begin="00:01:05.906" end="00:01:07.530" style="s2">the first thing you see<br />is that we see liver</p>
<p begin="00:01:07.530" end="00:01:09.204" style="s2">at the top of the screen.</p>
<p begin="00:01:09.204" end="00:01:12.362" style="s2">That liver is our coustic<br />window into the heart.</p>
<p begin="00:01:12.362" end="00:01:14.562" style="s2">The beating thing in the<br />center is obviously the heart</p>
<p begin="00:01:14.562" end="00:01:16.369" style="s2">and we can identify the entire heart</p>
<p begin="00:01:16.369" end="00:01:19.474" style="s2">and the perimeter of the<br />heart with the pericardium.</p>
<p begin="00:01:19.474" end="00:01:21.725" style="s2">The pericardium is the<br />white line that I'm seeing,</p>
<p begin="00:01:21.725" end="00:01:24.114" style="s2">you can see that's<br />surrounding the full heart.</p>
<p begin="00:01:24.114" end="00:01:25.951" style="s2">Then we can identify the chambers.</p>
<p begin="00:01:25.951" end="00:01:28.377" style="s2">The chambers are<br />relatively easy to identify</p>
<p begin="00:01:28.377" end="00:01:30.019" style="s2">in this view.</p>
<p begin="00:01:30.019" end="00:01:32.203" style="s2">The chambers on the right side</p>
<p begin="00:01:32.203" end="00:01:34.286" style="s2">of the heart are over here</p>
<p begin="00:01:34.286" end="00:01:36.094" style="s2">and the easy way to identify those,</p>
<p begin="00:01:36.094" end="00:01:38.496" style="s2">remember the liver's on<br />the right side of the body,</p>
<p begin="00:01:38.496" end="00:01:41.725" style="s2">so these chambers that are<br />adjacent to the liver would be</p>
<p begin="00:01:41.725" end="00:01:43.475" style="s2">right-sided chambers.</p>
<p begin="00:01:44.344" end="00:01:47.441" style="s2">The large chamber, which<br />is adjacent to the liver</p>
<p begin="00:01:47.441" end="00:01:48.958" style="s2">is the right ventricle,</p>
<p begin="00:01:48.958" end="00:01:51.012" style="s2">on the other side we<br />see the left ventricle</p>
<p begin="00:01:51.012" end="00:01:53.258" style="s2">and we see the two atria.</p>
<p begin="00:01:53.258" end="00:01:55.106" style="s2">Again, our focus</p>
<p begin="00:01:55.106" end="00:01:58.091" style="s2">on this exam is to<br />identify the pericardium</p>
<p begin="00:01:58.091" end="00:02:00.495" style="s2">and to look for free fluid within it.</p>
<p begin="00:02:00.495" end="00:02:01.446" style="s2">What we're gonna look for</p>
<p begin="00:02:01.446" end="00:02:04.309" style="s2">is an anechoic area<br />within that pericardium</p>
<p begin="00:02:04.309" end="00:02:07.044" style="s2">which would be signs of a hemopericadium.</p>
<p begin="00:02:07.044" end="00:02:08.424" style="s2">Now if you can't get this view,</p>
<p begin="00:02:08.424" end="00:02:11.246" style="s2">a great alternate view<br />is the parasternal view</p>
<p begin="00:02:11.246" end="00:02:13.387" style="s2">of the heart in a long axis plane.</p>
<p begin="00:02:13.387" end="00:02:14.778" style="s2">We're gonna take you through that in the</p>
<p begin="00:02:14.778" end="00:02:16.861" style="s2">echocardiography section.</p>
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